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The first unofficial uniwar tournament. CANCELLED... Again..
Forum Index » Tournaments

Messages: 50,
Joined: May 17, 2010,


Messages: 50,
Joined: May 17, 2010,
Sounds very interesting, and could improve my experience with the game. Sign me up.

Good luck making everything work out!

Messages: 120,
Joined: Dec 22, 2009,
Location: USA, Arkansas


Messages: 120,
Joined: Dec 22, 2009,
Location: USA, Arkansas
Having trouble with my iphone loading the whole webpage. It stops loading halfway down thread (on bracket screenshot) so I can't see all the posts right this second.

The bracket system isn't too complicated, but it seems like it would be exactly like running 2 tournaments at the same time then having the winners of each play for the win...

Not too complicated but I don't think I want to run this first one like that. Plus I don't believe in second chances . So I think I'll stick with one bad game and your out for quickness and simplicity. However unfair that may be.

And I don't have alot of time to plan this, just free time I get at work here and there. I hardly even make my moves on time on my days off, let alone try to plan this thing out a little better, and impliment all the gizmos, gadgets and extras.

I know I asked for thoughts and ideas, and they are so far all good. I may not want to do them this time around, but they are good nun the less and will deffinatly be concidered for the next tournament depending on how this ones goes. Thanks got your support.

Good luck, Have fun!

My biased opinions are open-minded.

Messages: 7,
Joined: Dec 28, 2010,


Messages: 7,
Joined: Dec 28, 2010,
i also want to participate.....
plz sign me up....

Messages: 2,
Joined: Oct 29, 2010,


Messages: 2,
Joined: Oct 29, 2010,
I will play! Sign me up!
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