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Here's round 3 of dan's tourney 2, khral vs. titan, played vs. vincent0923 aka Unisolitudes. We already discussed some in the tourney thread here http://www.uniwar.com/forum/posts/list/30/1560.page.
Map is NumberEightfamine by simsverd himself. This is an intimate little low credit affair with an interesting setup. Bases worth only 25, so you're invited to decide whether you will fight for your base in the middle or not, which we think is something Vincent handled better (by not contesting). For TvK the size and low credits make it not too promising for T, so this was mainly a little game of 'who can drag the fight out longer', or maybe 'who can avoid fighting longer'.
In game 1 Vincent is blue khral, in game 2 I am. Screenshots generally after my moves, so blue to play in game 1 shots and red to play in game 2 shots.
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Here are early shots in round 6:
At this early stage I was actually feeling pretty good. In g1, Vincent sent ants crawling all around, I lost one mecha in the fight near my bases but scored the eclipse hit on swarmer which I was happy about, a good trade time-wise. In g2 below I opened with pinzer up top and rushed it at the bases, resulted in his plasma build and then I veered the pinzer at the middle base where I'd try to threaten capture or damage.
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I've earned some space in game 1, but here's the big gaffe in game 2. I decide to sac an ant to keep his plasma out so I can have a private party on top of his base, hitting whatever comes out with pinzer and swarmer and ants, looking forward to bringing a wyrm into this asap. Somehow, I completely space out and fail to count spaces here, missing the fact that the speeder easily reaches and clears the ant so the plasma can cripple the swarmer. I considered this a pretty critical error… you can judge the impact in subsequent rounds.
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Here's what I see as related fallout in game 2: it was important that the swarmer help serve as some deterrent to speeders running amok. Vincent's base occupy ploy here would be less attractive if the swarmer could hit the speeder on base at full strength, but a 5 strength swarmer intimidates no one. Now I have to fall back to defense on the upper base.
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Vincent decided to finish the wounded ant with the speeder, allowing the wyrm to hit it. But I got a lucky roll that killed the speeder, so went ahead in material. At this point I have a small material edge but (I thought) trailed in space/time – I'm pushed back much farther – which is a problem in a race.
This shot of round 13 shows the time problem – his speeders have swung around to the south, further slowing my advance by threatening soft units like the wyrm and swarmers. I'm planning to use the two pinzers as a moving shield to help the wyrm advance.
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Here's the fateful move in game 1: I decided to fight for the outer base and built a plasma. I didn't check too closely, I thought it would survive (if barely) an immediate attack, and that I would get an okay counter-attack, but with good use of gangup and some healthy rolls from the swarmers Vincent was able to clear the plasma and capture. As Vincent notes I doubled down for another round with this move and took yet more material hits, putting me in a large hole which we both thought should make the difference.
But at least in game 2 the pinzer shield has pushed the speeders back (they're back to harassing the north) and I've already taken the base, since Vincent didn't contest it further. While I'm behind in material relative to the other game, I take heart in questioning whether the now-isolated plasma at the bottom will be worth its full credits as I press an attack on the home bases.
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My red titans are in tatters…
But I'm attacking the home bases in earnest
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Vincent's material edge proves decisive in time. Here's the position before his final move on round 23, in which he was able to finish all the mechas and occupy all bases:
and here's how close I came in my round 23. Answer: not close enough. It took me to 24 to finish.
Nice work and thanks for the great match Soli, good luck in the finals!
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Nov 21, 2012 14:34