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what are the chances off adding a special captains
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Messages: 5,
Joined: May 17, 2015,


Messages: 5,
Joined: May 17, 2015,
Just a thought but if you could have a special unit, a captian for each side this would open up a lot more strategies. He would be a one-off one purchase per game and would cost 1000c or more. You should be able to pick between 3 types per race. Stats would benas a standard infantry version but +1 on every stat. Captian also immune to being assimilated, EMP'D or poisoned.

Examples to could pick between one of either
(1) HUNTER captain can teleport and then still move or attack.
(2) SCOUT captain has hoverboots to make him quicker and can move over water. Only one water tile per turn though.
(3) TURRET can attack twice if he doesn't move on his turn. Second attack doesn't have any counter damage.

(1) LEADER everyone within 2 spaces of his gains defence bonus whilst near him
(2) FRONTLINE digs in and can fire mortar shots 1-2 spaces away. When dug in cannot be attacked by air units and ants cannot bury under him.
(3) AIR SUPPORT can fire rocket launcher 2-3 spaces away against air units

(1) BITE causes +1 damage per turn to attacked unit. For the entire game.
(2) TRAP can lay a trap whilst buried. Can be seen by units nearby but not if the unit travels from afar.
(3) SELF HEAL can self heal to maximum if doesn't move or attack that turn
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