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When does Plague do damage, and spread
Forum Index » Khraleans

Messages: 7,
Joined: Apr 11, 2016,


Messages: 7,
Joined: Apr 11, 2016,
Hello all,

I am confused as to exactly when the plague spreads from sapian to sapian.

Does the plague spread at the end of every player's turn? Or a specific player's turn.

My confusion arises because I read that a common tactic is to plague an infected marine and move it to your opponent to infect their units. This would either indicate that the plague spreads at the end of the turn with the plague, or at the beginning of a turn for the sapian player. But in a match casted by ennuigoblin on youtube, simsverd plagued a copter, and on that very turn the copter infected a sapian player. So does the plague spread at the start of a sapian player's turn? How about in 4-8 player games?

Also, when is the damage done?

Thanks for your help.

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Location: New England, USA


Messages: 316,
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Location: New England, USA
It spreads at the end of the Khral player who infected the unit's turn.

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3v bawwy Kwipke - (Kelwynish, Rikb, TheDragon) Retired: Lost Socks the Abyss - (onedirtrider, TheDragon, Mentalist)
4v Plush Pinzers II (Cheese, SnakPak, TheDragon Copeab) Retired: Plush Pinzers - (Thomas K., copeab, TheDragon, Cheese)

Messages: 7,
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Messages: 7,
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What about if there are 2 kral players and their infections have met on sapian units? Are they infected with the first infection, or the next?

Also, to cure plague, does a unit only need to be adjacent to an engineer? or do they need to heal with one?

Messages: 103,
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Messages: 103,
Joined: May 17, 2015,
You have to heal next to the engineer to cure the plague. Damage is dealt at the beginning of the infected player's turn. I'm not sure exactly how spreading works in many player games.

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Location: New England, USA


Messages: 316,
Joined: Mar 07, 2015,
Location: New England, USA
  tadpole wrote:What about if there are 2 kral players and their infections have met on sapian units? Are they infected with the first infection, or the next?

Also, to cure plague, does a unit only need to be adjacent to an engineer? or do they need to heal with one?

Thats an interesting question. Usually the 'weapon' ends of players are not used as they affect team mates as well as enemy (plague, emp, detonate) I think I may have to set up a game to test that out. I'm now curious. I think plague only does 1 damage till you reach 1 (won't kill a unit) but not sure about different player plagues.

...The game of life is too short to be taken seriously...

Teams (Members)
2v Dragon Cheese - (Cheese, TheDragon)
3v bawwy Kwipke - (Kelwynish, Rikb, TheDragon) Retired: Lost Socks the Abyss - (onedirtrider, TheDragon, Mentalist)
4v Plush Pinzers II (Cheese, SnakPak, TheDragon Copeab) Retired: Plush Pinzers - (Thomas K., copeab, TheDragon, Cheese)

Messages: 57,
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Messages: 57,
Joined: Mar 04, 2016,
Everything is explained in video tutorial about Infector.
Watch it on Youtube, here is the link:
Infector tutorial.

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Messages: 53,
Joined: Mar 15, 2018,
also the infector can cure plague on your infected marines if you're the khrealean army
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