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Replay wanted for video trailer (not on Spring theme)
Forum Index » General Discussion

Messages: 554,
Joined: Jun 12, 2009,
Location: California


Messages: 554,
Joined: Jun 12, 2009,
Location: California
Ryan is creating a new awesome video trailer for UniWar. We want to showcase any fight on any good looking map using the non-standard theme. Anything different than the SPRING theme.

Can you please send him a Private Message with a replay link? His username is radums.

The chosen replays (we will just take 1 or 2 seconds of it) will receive free uni-coins
Thank you in advance.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Apr 26, 2017 12:18

-= The UniWar Team =-

Messages: 316,
Joined: Mar 07, 2015,
Location: New England, USA


Messages: 316,
Joined: Mar 07, 2015,
Location: New England, USA
this still going on?

...The game of life is too short to be taken seriously...

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2v Dragon Cheese - (Cheese, TheDragon)
3v bawwy Kwipke - (Kelwynish, Rikb, TheDragon) Retired: Lost Socks the Abyss - (onedirtrider, TheDragon, Mentalist)
4v Plush Pinzers II (Cheese, SnakPak, TheDragon Copeab) Retired: Plush Pinzers - (Thomas K., copeab, TheDragon, Cheese)

Messages: 921,
Joined: Dec 02, 2010,
Location: Bergen, Norway


Messages: 921,
Joined: Dec 02, 2010,
Location: Bergen, Norway
no... the treiler is on youtube i think.. will un-announce it...

Moderator of gamechat and forum. Tourney admin.

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