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Suppression Mechanic
Forum Index » New Feature Request

Messages: 752,
Joined: Sep 24, 2015,


Messages: 752,
Joined: Sep 24, 2015,
I had an idea for artillery units, what if we implement a suppression mechanic to them? Here's how it works:

Suppression allows an artillery unit to defuff 50% an enemy unit's stats (except range), but this decreases the artillery unit's atk power by 50% in the process (or whatever % you guys desire (like say, 25% suppression at a cost of 25% atk power, so on and so forth)). Suppressing artillery units can't be countered by other long ranged units this way. Suppressed units stay suppressed until the end of their turn.

Let's say a Leviathan, then Battery uses suppress. What happens is that:

Battery's stats:

Attack vs:

Ground Light: 6 (-6)
Ground Heavy: 5 (-5)
Aerial: 6 (-6)
Aquatic: 5 (-5)
Amphibian: 6 (-6)


Leviathan's stats:

Mobility: 6 (-6)
Vision: 2 (-2)

Attack vs:

Ground Light: 5 (-5)
Ground Heavy: 5 (-5)
Aerial: 4.5 (-4.5)
Aquatic: 6 (-6)
Amphibian: 5 (-5)

Attack Range: 1-3

Defense: 6 (-6)

Repair: 1 (-1)
Actions/Turn: 1*

*Stats can't be lowered any further than 1

Battery attacks, 0 Hp is taken
Leviathan is attacked, 1 Hp is taken, unit is suppressed, reducing its stats by 50%

This way, the artillery units can become viable again without giving them too much power.

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