Le Doud
Messages: 8,
Joined: Jun 09, 2017,
Le Doud
Messages: 8,
Joined: Jun 09, 2017,
I'd really like to be able to organise the games order as i want.
There is already a notification to tell you it's your turn to play. Putting the games where it's your turn in the first position is not really necessary.
At least, if you think the games you have to play need to be at the top, please create categories for 1v1, 2v2...
Messages: 485,
Joined: Jan 27, 2016,
Location: Southampton, UK
Messages: 485,
Joined: Jan 27, 2016,
Location: Southampton, UK
Not sure this is really that relevant. When I play, the game takes me from one game to the next only returning me to the games list when I have moved in all my games.
What ordering options would you like to see?
Android 9. Samsung Galaxy A50 |
Le Doud
Messages: 8,
Joined: Jun 09, 2017,
Le Doud
Messages: 8,
Joined: Jun 09, 2017,
I would like ordering games on the "multiplayer home screen" where you can create new games, join chat, look at the tourney, reach the shop...
Instead of "Current games", "Archived games" and "Finished Games" i would prefer to have 1V1 games, 2V2 games, 3V3 games... Current games and finished games will followed in the same section (1v1 or 2v2...)
Exemple :
1v1 Games :
1.Random-1000000 against Player2
Your turn
2.Random-1000001 against Player3
Opponent turn
3.Random-1000002 against Player4
Winner - Archived
2v2 Games :
1.Random-1000003 against Player5&6
Teamate turn
2.Random-1000004 against Player7&8
Opponent turn
3.Random-1000005 against Player9&10
I don't know if i'm clear enough (I know I'm not :/ )
Anyway, I understand it's not it is relevant, it's just the way i'd like the games to be displayed. But if we could chose the way games are displayed it will be awesome