Messages: 32,
Joined: May 12, 2015,
Messages: 32,
Joined: May 12, 2015,
Hi, i want to try to guess the official story of each race in uniwar based on campaign and in-game unit description.
The khralean: in the campaign they have high council, tribes, and worshipping some kind of deity. Whoever tribes that deviant from the council and worship another deity branded heretics and must be fought. Its like they have free will. Looks like they are native lifeform in the planet which uniwar campaign took place.
Titans in campaign are following order from Constructor, maybe its like their giant factory. This race is the closest to "hive mind".
As for humans, they are united under Intergalactic Federation, it is mentioned in salamander unit description. Titans and sapiens are invader of khralean planet i think.
Thats all i know, feel free the correct or add information