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The Grand War
Forum Index » Tournaments

Messages: 99,
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Messages: 99,
Joined: Mar 07, 2014,
Summary Rules

Player involvement

• 16 players in total. 2 teams of 8. 2 squads of 4 in each team.
• Players will abide by the rules of the game.
• Players will follow TOS
• Each player must have 2 open game slots and 1 open archive slot at the start of the war.
• Each player will save a match replay and send the link to the Captain of their team.
• Captains will pick who saves the replay for each match.
• Captains will copy the replay link into the war room.
• Players must follow the Captains orders
• Players must communicate as necessary with the Captain (round#, rule breaking, story, replay link)

The Timeline of Events


The MAIN battle begins:

Squad A Team 1(The Creepy All-Stars) VS Squad A Team 2(The Justice League)
[Team 1 will start this game and invite everyone]

Squad B Team 1(The Creepy All-Stars) VS Squad B Team 2(The Justice League)
[Team 2 will start this game and invite everyone]

• The match will happen on the map I give to the Captains.
• The match will be TEAMS, FOG OF WAR= ON (FOW), 4V4.
• The match must be renamed to MAIN#. The # is your team number.
• The main battle is not subject to restrictions (Rcards).
• The main battle has a round limit of 60, occurring at round 60 of player 1 turn.
• The turn timer for each match will be 12 hours.
• At round 10 a mission will begin. Every 5 rounds after will begin missions.
• The Captains will notify me when either Main battle has reached a mission point.
• Surrender --at any point-- of the main match will award the opposing team double the match point value.
• Between round 20 and 40 a MIDWAY battle will start.
• The winning team will receive points equal to the match value.

Match Point Value for MAIN= +3

The MIDWAY battle:

<The Chosen> Team 1(The Creepy All-Stars) VS <The Chosen> Team 2(The Justice League)
• The match will happen on the map I give to the Captains.
• The match will be TEAMS, FOG OF WAR= ON (FOW), 3V3.
• The match must be renamed to MIDWAY#. The # is your team number.
• The team that creates the MIDWAY battle will depend on which MAIN# match it started in.
• The match is vulnerable to restrictions (Rcards).
• The match has a round limit of 40, occurring at round 40 of player 1 turn.
• The turn timer for the match will be 12 hours.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Mar 24, 2017 23:05


Messages: 99,
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Messages: 99,
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• At round 20 a mission will begin. Only round 20. If over before 20, no mission.
• The Captains will notify me when either Midway battle has reached round 20.
• The Captains will provide me 3 players names from their team to be in the MIDWAY match.
• The players chosen for the match cannot already be in a mission.
• The players in this match cannot be chosen for another mission.
• Surrender --at any point-- of the Midway match will award the opposing team double the match point value.
• The winning team will receive points equal to the match value.

Match Point Value for MIDWAY= +2

The FINAL battle:

<The Chosen> Team 1(The Creepy All-Stars) VS <The Chosen> Team 2(The Justice League)

• The match will happen on the map I give to the Captains.
• The match will be TEAMS, FOG OF WAR= ON (FOW), 2V2.
• The match must be renamed to FINAL#. The # is your team number.
• The FINAL battle will be a mirror match. Teams will start 1 match each.
• The match is vulnerable to restrictions (Rcards).
• The match has no round limit.
• The turn timer for the match will be 24 hours.
• No missions will occur during this match.
• The Captains will provide me 2 players names from their team to be in the FINAL match.
• The players chosen for the match cannot already be in a mission.
• Surrender is allowed.
• The winning team will receive a point multiplier toward their current score.

Match Point Value for FINAL= 1.5x<current score>

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at Mar 24, 2017 23:06


Messages: 99,
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Messages: 99,
Joined: Mar 07, 2014,


• The match will happen on the map I give to the Captains. Determined by dice roll.
• The match will be TEAMS, FOG OF WAR= ON (unless told otherwise).
• The match must be renamed per the mission naming format below.
• The team that creates the mission battle will depend on which MAIN# match it started in.
• The match is vulnerable to restrictions (Rcards).
• The match will end in 10 rounds.
• The turn timer for the match will be 12 hours.
• The mission type will be provided to the Captains, along with the map.
• The Captains will copy the mission replays into the war room.
• The winning Captain will choose his reward.
• The Captains will provide me 1 player name from their team to be in the mission match.
• The Captains will decide to use that players ability or not (if applicable).
• The players chosen for the mission cannot already be in a mission.
• The players in this mission cannot be chosen for another mission until this match is completed.
• Surrender --at any point-- of a mission match will award the opposing team the match point value.

Match Point Value for MISSION= +1
Alternative reward= Restriction (Rcard) +1

MISSION NAMING FORMAT: (what Match caused it)(what the mission is)(round number that caused it)
EXAMPLES: Main2Race10 -OR- Midway1Resupply20

Restrictions (Rcards)
Refer to page 1 of this post.
• If a Captain is choosing to win the Restriction award, its type will be determined by dice roll.
• RCARD will be removed from the team at the time of use.
• Special RCARD can be acquired when the dice roll average matches the value of the first die rolled. This is called a BONUS throw.
• BONUS card will allow the blocking of any enemy team member from participating in the MIDWAY battles.
• Special RCARD can be acquired when the dice roll is a jackpot (all 4 dice the same number). This is called a JACKPOT throw.
• JACKPOT card will allow the blocking of any enemy team member from participating in the FINAL battles.
• The Captains will be given notice that the upcoming mission is either a BONUS or JACKPOT mission.
• In the event that it is both (rare, but it happens) the winning Captain will be able to choose one of the RCARD to acquire.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at Mar 15, 2017 05:25


Messages: 99,
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Messages: 99,
Joined: Mar 07, 2014,

Think of this war as a team tournament. Other than the final battles, every match will be setup with 12 hour turn limits and skipping is permitted as necessary. Stiff penalties for surrender unless final battle.
Games must be archived and replays shared.
Missions are meant to be brief matches. Quick combat. The faster they are finished, the faster the soldiers are again available for other missions.
The option to use a role ability or even have a certain role is not linked or dependent on the presence of another role on the team.
The outcome of a strike, if one occurs, is not determined by a dice roll. For now, what the strike is is a secret.
If you are the player who makes a match/mission and invites the others, you may decide the order (player slot) for the enemy combatants in that match.
Matches will not have any race restrictions unless told otherwise before the setup. Similarly, all matches will have fog of war unless otherwise stated. All matches will be team matches, NO FFA.
USE OF ALL UNIT TYPES IS ALLOWED FOR ANY MATCH, unless otherwise stated before it is setup.
Should any MAIN battle last long enough to make it to round 60 (of the player who started it, player 1), ALL players will "peace" out of the match and the replay war report will be used to determine the winner.
The tie-breaker or end by max rounds winner calculation will be as follows:

(Credits Killed / Credits Lost) = Kill/Death ratio
(Credits Spent / Total Rounds) = Round Spend Factor
(Total Rounds Played) = Match Length Factor
(Player Status) = Any Defeated players

(Round Spend Factor * K/D) = Return On Investment (how well your team played/used credits in the battle)
(ROI / Total Rounds) = Battle Evaluation Factor
(BEF * ALIVE PLAYERS[1-4] / (Team Size[4]) = FINAL SCORE (this is the final number for determining who wins. the highest number wins. players alive is relative to each team. losing team members by defeat/elimination is penalizing)
If the outcome still remains a TIE after this calculation (very unlikely) neither team will acquire the Match Point Value.

Additional clarifications may be added to this post as necessary during the war.

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at Mar 28, 2017 06:46

Doc holliday

Messages: 6,
Joined: Feb 04, 2017,

Doc holliday

Messages: 6,
Joined: Feb 04, 2017,
So, what happens if we break a rule? We lose? Let's say I am not allowed to pull a speedy for 5 turns, and I screw up and do it anyway?
Doc holliday

Messages: 6,
Joined: Feb 04, 2017,

Doc holliday

Messages: 6,
Joined: Feb 04, 2017,
Also, forgive me for being stupid here, but I like to understand what I am playing... So, if I am assigned a role, is that my role for every game? I would assume so... Or are they reassigned as needed?
If it is a one time deal, then I would vote 7. Give everybody a role.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 15, 2017 16:41


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Messages: 99,
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If the enemy team uses a restriction against you and you break the rule of the restriction, you will give the enemy team points = the match value (will happen for every infraction/time it occurs).
number of times a restriction was broken x the Match Point Value = points given to the enemy team


lets say that you are in a side mission. the side missions are worth 1 point each. a restriction was used on the match and was not stopped somehow. if that restriction was "no speeders" (the no 'chosen unit' restriction is for 5 rounds i believe) and someone on your team built a speeder in round 4, then your team will have given the enemy +1 POINTS for every time it happened before the round timer (it will not apply at round 6).
If your team messed up and built 2 speeders (in the same scenario) before round 6 (restriction is 5 rounds in this example) then you will have given the enemy team +2 POINTS (2 speeders made, side mission is worth 1 point each).

perhaps you are in the midway match and the restriction was NO TITANS. If anyone on your team chose titans (the race restrictions are for the full match) then the enemy team will be given +2 POINTS (midway match is worth 2 points). If more than 1 player chose titans, the enemy team will get +2 points for each player that broke the restriction.

How roles work:

Each team will have 5 players with roles linked to their player name. I keep track of this information. The roles are determined before the war begins, and will not change ever after that point.

Depending on what the role is, there is a special ability that can be used to help the war.

When it comes time to have any match THAT IS NOT THE MAIN, each Captain will give me one name of a player on their team who will be in the match for certain. the rules described above explain if a player can be selected or not (already in a mission= no)

If the chosen player has a role/ability I will ask the Captain if they wish to use that ability against the match which is about to be setup. This is part of determining how each mission/match is setup.

Each role ability can only be used 1 time. if it is used, it can no longer be used again for the remainder of the war and the effects will be applied to the match being set up.
If you have a role you are encouraged to act like that person. The captain doesn't have to use your ability when he chooses you and it can be kept secret. (similar to the MAFIA game)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Mar 20, 2017 18:13


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What it means to act as the role you have:

The roles for each team will only be known by me and the team captains and the players who have specialized roles individually. Inside the main matches you are encouraged to play your role (adopt that personality).

Do not tell anyone on the enemy team your role.
If you can figure out what role an enemy player is you can tell your captain and he will be able to consider this information when he makes the strategic decisions only the captain can make (what role abilities are used, if they're used, when they're used, etc).

Only 2 players on each team will not have specialized roles.
Specialized meaning having an ability.

For these players, their role is "soldier".
This is to add to the unknown information of war, similar to fog of war but informational.
These players are encouraged to communicate regularly.
Captains may tell soldiers to pretend they are someone else to confuse the enemy. Since they can be told to pretend they are someone else, who they are told to pretend to be by their captain can change. Soldiers may never refer to themselves as "I " or "me". They also may not speak with ownership of anything such as "my" turn/unit/base etc or "your marauder is MINE next round".

Participation in the dialogue role play is optional and other than adding an additional layer of play it doesn't really affect how the war happens (other than perhaps information useful to the captains choices)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 15, 2017 19:24


Messages: 207,
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Location: Hong Kong


Messages: 207,
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Location: Hong Kong
The infraction system seems unbalanced. A speeder on the board for five illegal turns is five points, but a Titan race is only two? Wouldn't it be two points per turn? The logic confuses me.
Doc holliday

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Joined: Feb 04, 2017,

Doc holliday

Messages: 6,
Joined: Feb 04, 2017,
That's not what he said. Per infraction..

Not per turn..

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 18, 2017 09:22


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Location: Northern Germany
Thx for the invite. I'm a politer assassin. I should like to apologize to all who I will kill later.

Messages: 207,
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Location: Hong Kong


Messages: 207,
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Location: Hong Kong
  Doc holliday wrote:That's not what he said. Per infraction..

Not per turn..

Really? Am I misreading this:

lets say that you are in a side mission. the side missions are worth 1 point each. a restriction was used on the match and was not stopped somehow. if that restriction was "no speeders" (the no 'chosen unit' restriction is for 5 rounds i believe) and someone on your team built a speeder in round 4, then your team will have given the enemy +1 POINTS for every time it happened before the round timer (it will not apply at round 6).

Is it one penalty each time the speeder is built, or one penalty each round a speeder is in existence?

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Messages: 14,
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Currently banned from chat for 12 hours, unable to use any chat, including team chat and PMs. Hoping my teammates read this so they know why I'm not responding.

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Messages: 99,
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The infraction count is for how many were built during the restriction time frame. It isnt every round. All replays get shared into the admin match as you know. We will be able to see when things happened (you captains and i). If a restricted unit was built before the timer is up at round 6 the infraction count is 1 for that speeder. If you build 2 its 2. It doesnt compound for every turn its alive. That is just unreasonable and we dont have any way of getting it off the board either. So the moment of infraction and count is at the time a rule is broken. And only for this one time. Infractions can still add up detrimentally this way so take caution.

With race restrictions, as they are for a full match, any break/infraction is counted but again.. Not for every round played. If you shouldnt have chosen titans but your whole team did then it would be 4 infractions total for that match. Which is going to be a steep penalty depending on what match, but they do not continue to accumulate.

Hope this clears it up for you.

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Messages: 99,
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Regrettably, the grand war is officially cancelled by this post.
Grand war 2 is in development as a result. There were many components of this event which were new ideas and this first go through has generated much in the way of knowledge. The second coming will be an improvement from the information gleaned in this prototype run.

War 2 will improve on the available facets of the war components and rules shall be simplified. More roles will become available and the processes modified to enable smooth transitions across the battles. I apologize to all interested parties for the cancellation. The development of war 2 will take no longer than a week from this post. For any interested players considering participation I would suggest that you consider forming your squads now. Only squads of 4 will be accepted into the roster. Details to follow under a separate post. Stay tuned.
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