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!200 unicoins!!! Medieval Battle Simulator !!!200 unicoins!
Forum Index » Tournaments

Messages: 146,
Joined: Mar 27, 2016,


Messages: 146,
Joined: Mar 27, 2016,

Rules are simple:
1) Open uniwar.
2) Find player: Angkor
3) Find a map "Medieval Battle Challenge"
4) Click a map -> new game
5) Player 1 is you, player 2 is bot. Unilady of your choosing.
6) You must win.
7) To win, you must:
a. Win.
b. Rescue both battery captives (called 'highborn')
c. Make a destroyer in your port (get money from cities aka. 'enemy encampment', east)
d. Throughout the game, the unilady enemy CANNOT be in distance 2 from your ports (must be at least 3)
Count your rounds and casualties. Less of them = better.

9) Your score will be formed with the special formula (WARNING: number of rounds cannot be >20 )
10) 1st of August 2017, 0:00, two highest scores gets the 100 unicoins each.
11) In the map description I'll write 2 current records. If someone beats it after the deadline, I'll still write it there.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 03, 2017 11:13


Messages: 146,
Joined: Mar 27, 2016,


Messages: 146,
Joined: Mar 27, 2016,
wersja dla polaków:
Do konca lipca trzeba wysłlac mi wiadomość z powtórką z mapki 'Medieval Battle Challenge' (w moim profilu). Tworzymy gre z botem. Oprocz tego, ze trzeba wygrać, trzeba rowniez stworzyc 1 duzy okret, 'uwolnic zakładników' (artylerie na tyłach), i przez cały czas trzymać wroga w odległości przynajmniej 3 od portów. WSZYSTKO TO w jak najszybszym czasie i w jak najmniejszych stratach (wzorek na rysunku wyżej). 2 najlepsze wyniki otrzymają po 100 unicoins.

Messages: 485,
Joined: Jan 27, 2016,
Location: Southampton, UK


Messages: 485,
Joined: Jan 27, 2016,
Location: Southampton, UK
You and your crazy !exc!amat!on! marks!!!!
I thought you were offering 1200 UC. I could buy a boat with that!

Android 9. Samsung Galaxy A50
The Impaler

Messages: 147,
Joined: Jun 07, 2017,
Location: 221B Baker St.

The Impaler

Messages: 147,
Joined: Jun 07, 2017,
Location: 221B Baker St.
i got 400 but id like to see someone win in under 12 rounds!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 07, 2017 03:01

Member of the balance team
Highest Score: 2685
Highest Rank: #4
Current Rank: N/A
Highest Championship Ranking: 4th
Highest Tournament Ranking: 4th
Current Record: 131W, 14D, 4L
Winner of Duaneski's mapmaker challenge
Winner of Angkor's 2v2 Grand mapmaking challenge
Winner of Lkasr's 3-Minute Tournament

Messages: 146,
Joined: Mar 27, 2016,


Messages: 146,
Joined: Mar 27, 2016,
As for now the record belongs to master yoda with 800 score (12 rounds, no casualties). There were some people who did it in 11 rds, but with casualties (so lower score).
If someone managed to do this better, I suggest to send me the replay asap because you know, the record belongs to the man who does something first, right?

Messages: 5,
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Messages: 5,
Joined: Feb 02, 2017,
900 score! No casualties, 11 rounds. Replay sent Angkor

The only way I see a higher score is if u bring two marauders around initially on each side to speed up process of killing hydronauts. Would make surviving the intial wave of guardians much harder.

Messages: 146,
Joined: Mar 27, 2016,


Messages: 146,
Joined: Mar 27, 2016,
Thanks everybody for participation!

The winner is elenorsar - 10 rounds, 0 losses!
The follow-up is prezi3 - 10 rounds, 0 losses as well (only later, you know, records)

PS. Let me know if anyone's interested in more challenges like this one.
PS.2. If someone manages to beat the record now, I'll send 100 unicoins more and stick the name to map description, even if time is up.
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