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Map browsing issues
Forum Index » Bug Reports

Messages: 485,
Joined: Jan 27, 2016,
Location: Southampton, UK


Messages: 485,
Joined: Jan 27, 2016,
Location: Southampton, UK
I reported this a while ago and some things have improved/changed and this area of the code is being actively worked on so I thought I'd bring it up again.

All these bugs (+ some feature creep) are in the "Browse map" sub menu (Uniwar Beta 1.15.11)

- "Select Map (filtered/total)" the filtered section never equals the total. i.e. 8p, XS, Rated/Unrated, All colours, maps, 1100+, default filter, no search = 2364/2731.
- Selecting Home shows blank by default because my grade is not above the default 1800+ (shameful I know). I think rank should be ignored for home. If you want to filter your vast list of maps using the rank you were when you created it then you can use the Filter Criteria - Author Score
- In map size selecting ALL shows a blank list
- The map type/colour selector should be updated to the new selection style rather than the old cycle through
- Filter Criteria - Order by - Times played - This mostly orders the list by played count, but there are obvious errors e.g. 2p, XS, Rated, Desert = Snanatarium (2088 ) appears between RJungle (6940) and Marsh Point (4886)
- Filter Criteria - Order by - Author Score - Has similar issue
- Filter Criteria - Order by - Most Recent - I have no way of knowing when a map was uploaded to know if this is ordering correctly
- Filter Criteria - Order by - Fun Factor - As there is no description on how this is defined it is very hard to tell what the order is. Its not thumbs up or down, or rated ratio, or difference between up/down, etc. But it's probably not in order
- The search dialog says "Send"
- When cancelling a search there is an unnecessary "Getting map list..."
- When viewing the map the (i) button should show the map information i.e. Description, credits, etc. This would be really helpful in other places where that view is used such as the Join Game menu. The unit information is not helpful at this point and it always shows Sapiens info even if the map only allows other races
- There is no option to filter for maps that restrict the race types, or easy way to identify that the map has restricted units. E.g. When scrolling through the preview of maps those that are race restricted could have a marine with a red line through it in the corner (I'd use 1 symbol to mean race restricted rather than try and show the actual restricted list in that preview as that gets messy with 8p).
- Maps with restricted units still use the default P1 Sapiens, P2 Titans in their display view.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Nov 28, 2018 11:00

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