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Random seed and RNG function
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Messages: 7,
Joined: Apr 11, 2016,


Messages: 7,
Joined: Apr 11, 2016,
Is there a way to determine the seed used in a uniwar game? And is it known what RNG is used?

As good as the wormhole is, and other probabilistic damage calculators, I still feel at the whim of randomness. If I wanted to play well I would need to go through all iterations of attacks and log the results and undo/redo the turn. This is a very painstaking process.

With knowledge of the RNG and seed I could at least avoid all of this trial and error.

Is there anything known about this?

Messages: 7,
Joined: Apr 11, 2016,


Messages: 7,
Joined: Apr 11, 2016,
I've determined what the random number generator is, but I am still unsure of how to determine what the seed is for each game. Does anybody know if this information is available?

Messages: 7,
Joined: Apr 11, 2016,


Messages: 7,
Joined: Apr 11, 2016,
For transparency. I took a look at a decompiled apk file. I found that the Random number generator is a xorshift function:

And the random number generator is seeded at instantiation by

So this tells me how the seed is generated, and how it is progressed. But I am still missing an important piece. How can I retrieve the random seed from my games? Any help would be appreciated.

Of course I could be way off. Reading a decompiled app is not a clear or easy process.
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