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simsverd wrote:Update! The following changes will be applied to tourneys:
Will be handled by the tourney admin :
- start of round is 1 day (also on team tourneys)
- team tourneys will have 2, 3, and 4 * the time a 1:1 tourney for each round (20, 30 and 40 days)
- all tourney finals can be prolonged as much as needed on request of a player no later than 48 hours before round end (quarter- semi- and grand finals)
- tourneys can also be prolonged by unforeseen events (disruption of service etc)
Technical change :
- equal rounds counting if games are unfinished when time runs out (equal for 1:1, and in pair for teams - equal amount for each team)
These changes are already implemented to all tournaments in all games or will be applied only in future tournaments or will be applied in all tournaments from next round?
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the equal turns shouls be in the server any day. The ones handled by the admin are in effect. Only thing that is not there is an updated text on prolonging and the round times for running team turneys. But i am already using the rules.
Moderator of gamechat and forum. Tourney admin.
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Tiebreaker rule is still may be abused. We do really need chess-style timer or some sort of hybrid-timer to determine winner automatically as little as possible, forcing games end normally.
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Invul wrote:Tiebreaker rule is still may be abused. We do really need chess-style timer or some sort of hybrid-timer to determine winner automatically as little as possible, forcing games end normally.
Yes i agree.. and Xavi is willing to possibly make it, but it will be much work and not prioritized at the moment... i will surely remind him about it from time to time and especially after some of the bigger changes are done (new units, random team ladders, IAP, web version)
Moderator of gamechat and forum. Tourney admin.
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Jason Bourne
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Jason Bourne
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Posted on the chat, and Sims suggested I post on forum for discussion. Short version is that I just lost in my last 32 Dec tournament match despite having 1000 more kills and an extra base capped. I lost because the matchup I was losing (in terms of kills) was one turn behind when tournament (I thgt I had played it in time, but didn't seem to go through to server). Feeling quite frustrated by the outcome, so apologises if I sound emotive.
Background is that I had set an alarm to wake up to play my turns before my 12hr timer ended. I was ahead overall - and if I did not wake up specially to play I would have won my matchup as I was ahead anyway on all counts (kills and bases). In my final turn I capped a base and killed a 350 unit...so I was even further ahead. My turn in the other game didn't seem to go through before tournament ended, so on paper I was one round behind. Hence I lost the overall matchup - (opponent had less kills and less bases) - and this seems completely unfair to me.
This was my 1st tournament so perhaps I was naive, but I do think that on performance and outcome I was the better player and deserved to go through. I was clearly ahead overall. If I have just played the match I was losing and moved that ahead a round I would have won (regardless of kill count) - which would be illogical. If I did not cap an extra base or kill another unit and just slept through I would have also have won. So the scenario highlights the round based system is flawed.
I think the possible solutions are:
1) If games unfinished then win should go to player with most bases, then most kills, then least rounds (in that order)
2) To set up the mirrored games such as you must make moves on both maps before a round is complete (although again I do not prefer the round based system).
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you mean the tiebreaker i suppose. Only problem with the individual game is time manipulation at the end - to be able to do a round in the seconds before it ends. This will soon be fixed when we implement equal turns counting in individual games.
But there is still the biggest problem affecting the tiebreaker - mirror games get out of sync when players play slow the games they win and fast the games they lose. We have some ideas to reduce the "playing for time":
1. implement a feature that make it impossible to get turns out of sync (you cant move in one game before you are equal turns with the other)
Will be made
2. implement a feature like chess timer/timebank - to give an incentive to play faster
Will possibly be made in the future.
3. implement a feature to change the rules in a tiebreaker (most bases total, won in least rounds, kill/loss)
The problem with this is that it will complicate things since it adds a new rule to the current 2 tiebreaker-rules in place. This feature also mean that surrendered games will be counted as less worth that other games (othervise a player can just surrender a game he will lose at once he cap an extra base of an opponent).
The feature is being considered but so far we want to see if the "mirror games in sync" feature is having the desired effect before this will be an option.
4. increase the duration of tourney rounds (today its 10 days in 1:1)
The problem with giving more time is that you still can play for time and its not certain that 14 days will solve the problem... only thing thats certain is that all tourneys take a month longer to finish
Moderator of gamechat and forum. Tourney admin.
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simsverd wrote:1. implement a feature that make it impossible to get turns out of sync (you cant move in one game before you are equal turns with the other)
Will be made
If 1) would be implemented in this way that after ending turn your move is "hide" until your opponent will move in the same round it would solve the problem with time and rounds getting out of sync.
With current rules I am always waiting in 1st round for my opponent move because he can see how I moved and copy best move for this match OR I can see how he moved and copy his move if he invent better opening. So we are losing 24 hours from tourney duration only for 1st move as blue and then 24 hours for red move. 20% of time is lost at the beginning.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Jan 10, 2016 21:55
I am somekind of veteran here. Check my videos about UniWar on YouTube: LINK.
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Just about tourneys... i think with a more detailed tourney menu and page it would increase interest. Like if a tourney goes to r32 we dont want to see groups. Group phase is over. Show the table of players like it is in every other game and in sports. And it should be easier to find the replays.
Right know you have to look for the names on the page and then find the right round and player in the app to find a replay. It would be a lot more fun if we see this tourney tables were players are listed 1vs1 and when one player wins he gets promoted to next stage with the red line and if u can just click on it to see the replays it would be a lot easier esp for new players.
Dunno if i make it clear what i mean. Think of soccer first they have the group phase and then it comes to single elimination with this table i mean u can see who is facing who and which player got to next round and so on.
In round of 528 we could have groups with 4 players and only top 2 gets promoted. I bet this was the original idea but cuz of time with the development and bugfixes and othr priorities this went to be forgotten or in the back.
I just want to point it out so it can be remembered
With new tourneys which can be open from players new tourneys should cost coins. So there wont be to much tourneys and only more important and interesting tourneys also as it is right now i think we have enough tourneys going every month. With the parting of <1700 and >1700 players we have a good balance of tourneys for lower and higer players.
I think it right now the game is fine just little balance issues maybe or map issues sometimes but we can learn from it. Right now i think focus should be on everything around the game. Like a better and cooler tourney system. A better chat menu like and inbox for private messages and little changes on the smooth flow of the menus and handling of some stuff like they did on the recent patch.
Ivan Loy
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Ivan Loy
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I know that all new units will be eventually available to all players. However, not everyone can build the new units at the moment. If a player who has bought the unit meets another player who doesn't, the former will have an advantage as he/she has more choices. I think a tourney should be fair, so I would suggest that the usable units in a tourney should be limited so that the units available to both players are the same. E.g. all player can(not) build some specific units. Btw it can also be a new kind of tourney (imagine a no tank/no aerial tourney )
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I would like to see in some tournaments, especially with a group of 4, the top 2 players go through, could even have it seeded like the world Cup. Would give more people chance to progress if they are unlucky enough to have a rely good player in their group who destroys one opponent in a few moves and means that some very good players won't get knocked out early just because they have an elite player in their group