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Skipping and other etiquette questions
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Messages: 17,
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Messages: 17,
Joined: May 13, 2010,
New player here, 3-2 so far. Really enjoying UniWar - absolutely the best mobile game I've ever played.

I have two etiquette questions. First, what is the community outlook on skipping? I just played a 3-minute-turn game. The other guy was there for the first 5 turns or so then he stopped playing. I skipped him several times and then "kicked" him. I felt guilty about it every time I did it. Is there a general understanding that you give the other player a "grace period" after the timer has run out, or anything like that? I would never skip someone after a few minutes in a 1-day game, which is what I usually play, but I can't do that on a 3-minute game because if he comes back online in a couple hours I wouldn't know it and I would end up being the one skipped and kicked. So I figured, it's a 3m game, if you sign yourself up for that you'd better be ready to play until it's over.

Second, what's the community outlook on surrender? If things look awful and you just know you're going to lose, is it okay to surrender, or do most people who are winning really want you to keep playing until you're flat out dead? One of my two losses I surrendered when I was one turn from losing. The other one I surrendered when I probably had two or three turns of flopping around like a fish out of water before certain death. Is it okay to surrender when you know you're going to lose? It certainly wasn't in the middle of the game or anything. I was already basically dead.

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hey lawhawk, welcome to uniwar
i surrender a lot when things look bad for me, so i think surrendering is ok. Besides, your opponent probably doesn't want to waste his time continuing to kill you.

About kicking, I'm not sure about that because i tend to avoid three minute games.
I only skip people if I'm playing a three day game and they haven't been on for a week or so. Then I assume that the player has either quit playing or is inactive for some other reason.

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Surrendering is only up to you, your opponent will always be glad to save time and win the points.
As for skipping, if I know the person I don't skip (unless it's for months and on a 8 player map), if I don't I wait a few hours and then skip.

Of course if he told me he's going on vacation without any wifi there I won't skip.

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Messages: 23,
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On the 3 minute games I agree with you - you don't really have much choice but to skip for exactly the reason you said. Unless it's someone you know and trust not to skip you back of course.

Personally I don't play 3m games because it's just not enough time to take a turn once you take into account lags between turns etc. Even if you do see it right away it's not much time on a busy map.

As for surrenderring - on a 1v1 I think it's OK to surrended whenever you wish. Your opponent gets the win. Only arguable time might be within the first 3 turns if it's purely because you made a mistake. After that few opponents would prefer you to drag things out rather than say 'gg' and surrender. In fact it can be quite frustrating to have someone drag a game out when they have clearly lost but it's just taking some time to 'mobilise' and finish them off.

In a team match surrendering without agreeing it with your team would be really bad. Don't do that.

On a multiplayer FFA I would also never surrender as it can adversely affect the other players strategies and screw someone over. Besides which even if things look really bad for youthere's a chance the stronger sides will start going for someone else and you can hold out for a better final place if they end up knocking someone else out before you. Damage limitation in other words. On FFA every place counts!


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Messages: 23,
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Oh and on 1v1 with longer time limits skipping someone who was previously taking their turns in good time I would also seriously frown on. Anyone can have a busy day or 2 and if they have 20 close matches on the go and everyone skipped them, on higher level games a single skipped turn can be decisive. Resulting in many undeserved losses just because they couldn't play for a day.

I had several players do this to me recently when I was only a few hours late taking my turn and it resulting in at least half a dozen losses which until then were closely contested matches. I think I lost about 150 points just due to this as some of the players were rated considerably lower. This was the final straw for me on 1v1, which I was getting tired of anyway, so I gave up on that account.

So yeah... just try to be fair and sportsmanlike about it would be my advice.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at May 16, 2010 02:06


Messages: 17,
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Messages: 17,
Joined: May 13, 2010,
Thanks for the guidance. I think as a general rule, I will give you one full turn-length before skipping. If it's a 3m game, I will give you 3 minutes after the end of your time. If it's a one-day game, I will give you a full day. After that, sorry buddy.

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Messages: 78,
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You don't need to wait to skip. If you join a game and can't abide by the time limit per turn, you deserve to lose your turn. Just like the 24 second shot clock in the NBA, if you are too slow then that's your own fault. I'm not going to wait around hoping my opponent will take his turn.

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O, I was wondering why I saw your pts take a nosedive. At least you have an excuse; me, I've been droppin' cuz my skills have been suckin'.

As for skipping, you only have to abide by the time limit set for that game. However, I have found that sometimes ppl will chat with u and let u know if they are gonna be away for a while. It's usually a game-by-game basis for me. If I know I'm gonna be away for a while, I'll ask if my opponents won't skip me. Some do, some don't, it's just how it goes.

I agree that it is very annoying when ppl fight to the bitter end. Uniwar tends to be a very decisive game--once you lose the balance between you and your opponent (which can often happen in a single turn or just a few), it's usually gg. I have appreciated playing higher ranked games when the opponent knows when they've lost and bow out with a dignified gg. Of course, I'm the one doing the bowing out half of the time, lol.

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Messages: 62,
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as far as etiquette goes in general a gg is ALWAYS appriciated. I know that sometimes if I skip someone (even if it's someone I don't know) and they come BACK to the game, I'll give them the option to offer peace and a rematch... that might be a bit above and beyond what is necessary, but it's amazing how far a little reciprocity will go...

edit: I've also been the person who's taken a vacation and lost TONS of games I shouldn't have to a vacation away from internet... Now that's why I only host games with a 3 day limit, and once I've played a few games with someone I'll ask them to wait while I'm gone.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at May 25, 2010 19:47


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I actually did the same once thethanx, but I asked my opponents prior to leaving and none skipped me. I had like 10-15 games... Depends on what score range you are, I guess people are less likely to screw you above the score of 1700+

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Messages: 2,
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I'm a noob, only played a few games but I will skip anyone if they don't play in time. Rules is rules imo.

If they told me they were gonna be away, thats a different ball game. But going awol? You snooze you lose, its the way of the world. You gonna cry when some guy beats you to the punch IRL too. meh.

Some group gang banged me when i joined there game and skipped one of there mates, started giving me crap about honour and stuff. Honour what? just a game innit, stuff happens, scores fluctuate. Fun is (supposed to be) had. I took my beating, give em some banter back. They have there 'rules' I have mine. I didn't just make mine up to suit me though

Someone skips me, sure i might be upset if i lose cos if it, but who do I have to blame except myself. I mostly play 1 day/turn. 24 hours is plenty of time to play in todays 'connected' generation. If you are smart you can even 'stall' by playing your turn, not ending and letting them skip you. That will give you an extra 24 hours grace if you think you might struggle...

Mostly, just say if you need to be away! The other guy would have to be pretty up-tight to skip you then.

/2 cents/
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