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OLD POST - Six New Units To Be Created. We Need Your Ideas!
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Messages: 16,
Joined: Jan 31, 2012,
How about a unit with the special ability to:

A) sacrifice itself for a refund of half its cost, or

B) cannibalize any of its fellow units for the same effect.

Seems to fit Khraleans, thematically, but the ability could be named to fit any race.

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Messages: 13,
Joined: Oct 20, 2010,
I have some ideas for new units. How about for this for example?

Sapien Shield Generator: When unit is stationary, it generates a protective shield over itself and the 6 adjoining tiles. While it does not protect against underground attacks, or direct fire, it does protect units from long range (or ranged) fire from outside the shield.

Titan Sonic Disrupter. When unit is stationary, it will generate a sonic distortion, for two (or three) hex in each direction, which will slow units which must travel through the area. Also, the sonic vibration will damage subteranean units.

Khralean Spitter. Cheap light armor unit, which can tunnel underground. While it does not do very much damage against light armored units, and no damage against heavy units, it's unique "spit" will damage flying units considerably.

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Messages: 183,
Joined: Jan 23, 2012,
Excellent ideas stormtrooper! Those units should both cool and effective at maintaining/improving balance. Each compliments some of the race's weaknesses.

Sapiens: Weak against artillery and Swarmers/Eclipses, a shield generator like you describe would help even the playing field.

Titans: Slow and weak against buried underlings, this would make their opponents slow as well and reduce the effectiveness of buried lings. (Though this can't be too powerful vs lings, Khrals need them to stand a chance in some cases).

Khraleans: Weak vs Heli + Marine spam. Having a ground unit that can attack air units (like Marines) will help balance this scenario considerably.

I thought of a few more units to compliment your list:

Sapiens: Bomber
Capable of dropping bombs (at range 1) that heavily damage ground or sea units, including buried units. This unit should be slow (2 hexes per turn?), but it can detect and destroy buried lings when they aren't covered by other units and it can be quite effective against ground heavy units.

Titans: Blaster
A somewhat cheaper (400 credits?) version of the Walker that can also attack after move. It has less range (3?) and power, but it should help in situations when the Titans don't have time to save up for a Walker.

Khralean: Burrow Wyrm
A distant relative to the Wyrm that has evolved to hunt Underlings. It can burrow underground and pop up at any location (even under units) to attack. Unlike regular Wyrms, it can only attack units next to it (when it is on the surface or resurfaced) or on top of it (when it is buried). Although it has a fairly low attack, it has decent armor and gets pop-up bonuses (no pop-up bonus for attacking a unit on top of it). Underling detectors pick this up as two Underlings on the same tile because it's so big. It is effective at fighting stationary or slow units (like Walkers) but can't fight fast units unless they stop near it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 20, 2012 14:03

DroidFreak, the roboticist who plays as Khrals.

(Or Titans now that I realize how legit they are)
Aqua Guy

Messages: 5,
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Aqua Guy

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I was thinking last night that units that have an affect on all other units would be good.

For the Khraleans you could have a Queen with a hive mind that lets all units see further and reduce unit cost

The Titans could have a central computer where all connected (touching) units would be networked and so be able to return fire against ranged attacks (even) if this exceeds the unit range

The Sapiens could have a leader, brutal against light units, recharge of 2 and all units in sight (not blocked by mountains or trees) get a moral boost (move boost for charging into battle)
Aqua Guy

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Aqua Guy

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Having read through the comments now one issue is Titans over powering on big maps through teleport. The answer to this seems to be fast troop/troop transports for the other two.

The Naval games are also limited and need a light unit to counter the big naval units so some cheap water based units are needed with high naval attacks.

Sapien troop carrying Hovercraft and flying Underlings that could kamikaze naval units seem to be the answer as they can also be used on normal maps.

The Titans need an edge on small maps and some more inventive game play would be good. The "Observer" could fill this role where it mostly has secondary affects such as freeze. This could also be a hover unit with an effect against naval units.

All these units would be slow over forest and mountains would be impassable.

Messages: 97,
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Messages: 97,
Joined: Mar 29, 2012,
I like the ideas I've seen for the added Titan and Sapien unit.
Jet with possible ability to advance even farther across the map(afterburner).
Another support unit, this one with flight, with a few abilities. (Some sort of boost, or a cloak, tractor beam, maybe an area-of-affect slow down ability.)

For the Kralean I had an idea to suggest.
I'm calling it the Wyvern for now. It would be a unit meant to break the current Sap-Kral tactics. (I dont WANT to spam marines but dont have much choice.)
This unit could have one of two abilities, or both depending on peoples opinions.

Air to Air- A strong air to air attack meant to knock a chopper down in health, taking away the Sapiens strongest unit(versus thier swarm). Attack does little to no damage vs heavy units.

Air to Ground, area damage- I fire blast that spews out hitting the 8 hexes angled in front of it. Effective against Light ground(maybe 3 or 4 damge per). Useless versus all else, and possibly with a cooldown. This would allow one unit to weaken the cluster of Marines its facing.

Another option is to have it capable of both. An anti air attack as its standard with an anti ground ability with a cooldown.
To make it not too overpowered the Anti Air attack could be incapable of hitting ground or I had another idea to really throw a twist into it.
The Air to Air ability works when the unit is airborne, in order to use the Fire blast it has to land, and landing works like burrowing. Landing or Lifting off takes an action for that turn.

To sum it up I think a unit capable of one or the other would mix up Sap-Kral battles now(along with the Jet). So doing one or the other would be the simplest addition, but I think having both would be possible so long as neither ability was too powerful.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Mar 29, 2012 10:45

Creator of Powerplay, Weakside, Strongside and Gap Control.
Also OddManBreak, IceRink, Breakout2v2

Testing FlyingV, MixNmatch, GatherRoundtheWell Give them a try!

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Messages: 97,
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Naval vessels

Adding another naval vessel per race is a good idea for sure. Current all naval battles are sort of boring to me.
Each race having a lighter, faster, cheaper unit would certainly mix things up.

I like the idea of the Sapien having a Sub. Since thier boats are the most affective I dont think giving them a unit to stack in front of Destroyers is a good idea. Giving them a sneaker but limited secondary unit would work well.

For the Titans I think it should just be a cheaper unit, with very limited range, but good mobility. Something they can line up in front of Hydronauts to try and force Destroyers to come into range. Hence your naval chess match.

For the Kraleans I had two ideas. Maybe they have the only naval vessel capable of moving after attacking, so just a nimble little craft. That or thier secondary craft has the highest defense rating for any naval vessel, with very low attack. Just something to soak up damage and get in the way for the swarm to gather behind them.

Something I find very interesting about how this all works together is that if the Titans get a support unit that can cloak, and the Sapiens get a submarine, Uniwar could now have a situation where all three races have thier own form of stealth. All in a unique format, similar to Starcraft.

Also the idea that all these naval vessel have a special ability sounds like a bit too much. And having an amphibious vessel would be difficult to do without unbalancing land battles.

As far as carrying goes for Naval vessels. I'm not sure its even neccessary for this game, though with some new maps it might be useful. However I dont see the point of the cheaper(which often means more expendable) new units being able to carry ground units, unless thats going to be thier main use. Maybe add new support craft then allow the current, heavier sea vessels to carry a certain amount of ground units. Possibly the slots for carrying could be determined by unit cost. A 500 plasma tank takes up 5 spots. A Tank takes up 4. Marines/Mechas/Underlings take just 1 each.

Creator of Powerplay, Weakside, Strongside and Gap Control.
Also OddManBreak, IceRink, Breakout2v2

Testing FlyingV, MixNmatch, GatherRoundtheWell Give them a try!

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Messages: 2,
Joined: Apr 19, 2012,
The game needs at least 2 new races for better blalance.
Wrath Of Sid

Messages: 34,
Joined: Feb 15, 2012,

Wrath Of Sid

Messages: 34,
Joined: Feb 15, 2012,
An air unit with no attack but strong defence that can carry up to four Marines
around the battlefield.
Cost: 400
Mobility: 11
Defence: 9
Repair: 1
Vision: 4
Abilities: Pick up, Deploy
Pick up ability: The Transport heli will pick up as Marines as it can in a one
hex radius, holding a maximum of four Marines. The number of Marines the heli
holds can be seen in the bottom right of the hex. Cooldown 0 turns
Deploy ability: The heli will drop as many of its on board Marines as it can in
hexes adjacent to the Heli. Marines cannot be dropped into the sea or onto
another unit. Cooldown 0 turns

Marine Divers are marines armed with explosive mines and underwater breathing
equipment allowing them to sabotage enemy aquatic units.
Cost: 200
Attack range: 1
Mobility: 10
Ground light attack: 6
Ground heavy attack: 3
Aerial attack: 4
Aquatic attack: 4
Defence: 6
Repair: 1
Vision: 4
Abilities: Timer mine
Timer mine ability: A timer mine is attached to an enemy sea unit that explodes
after three turns, dealing 5 damage. The timer mine can be removed if the unit
repairs with a repair unit (Engineer, Assimilator, Infector). Cooldown 8 turns.

The Winger is a flying support unit that has no attack but strong defence. It
can spawn a swarm of microscopic creatures to temporarily lower the defence of a
unit and also has the ability to transform Underlings into Drones.
Cost: 400
Mobility: 10
Defence: 10
Repair: 2
Vision: 4
Abilities: Transform, Rend Armour
Transform ability: The Winger transforms an adjacent Underling into a Drone.
Cooldown 0 turns.
Rend Armour ability: A swarm of microscopic insects weaken the target's armour,
lowering it's defence by 2. Cooldown 6 turns
Drone stats:
Attack range: 1
Mobility: 12
Ground light attack: 0
Ground heavy attack: 0
Aerial attack: 6
Aquatic attack: 0
Defence: 5
Repair: 1
Vision: 4
Abilities: Shed wings
Shed wings ability: Permanently transforms the Drone back into an underling.
Cannot be used over sea or bases. Cooldown: N/A

The Aqualing is an aquatic Underling with slightly better stats and an ability
to attack aerial units. It can also submerge and swim underwater.
Cost: 150
Attack range: 1
Mobility: 11
Ground Light attack: 6
Ground heavy attack: 4
Aerial attack: 3
Aquatic attack: 4
Defence: 6
Repair: 1
Vision: 3
Abilities: Submerge
Submerge ability: Identical to Bury ability.

A fast air unit that has no attack but strong defence and the ability to
permanently transform into five Mechas.
Dropship stats:
Cost: 500
Mobility: 12
Defence: 10
Repair: 1
Vision: 4
Abilities: Disassemble
Disassemble ability: The Dropship transforms into five Mechas. Each Mecha will
have the same health as the dropship at the time of spawning. This
transformation is irreversible. Cooldown: N/A

The Hydromech is a light aquatic unit best suited to harassing enemy ships. They
are quick and can leap out of the water to deliver a devastating attack.
Cost: 200
Mobility: 12
Ground light attack: 8
Ground heavy attack: 4
Aerial attack: 5
Aquatic attack: 5
Defence: 7
Repair: 1
Vision: 4
Abilities: Leap attack
Leap attack ability: The Hydromech propels itself out of the water and strafes
the target, dealing double the damage it would normally deal against that
target. Also the target cannot counterattack a Leap attack. Cooldown 5 turns

Sanity is for the weak!!!

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Messages: 2,
Joined: Jul 01, 2012,
Regarding sea units.

There need to be 3 more sea tiles

Rough seas tile: slows movement of pieces also may affect flyers due to high winds and lowering defense modifiers

Calm seas : allows smooth sailing maybe positive modifiers on speed and attack for both flyers and ships

Calm Seas Healing base : heal 3x faster. Slows movement. Heavy Negative defense and attack modifier while in base. Get in and get out.

Of the new sea pieces created there need to be sea pieces that can capture sea bases so you can have off shore bases

Give the titans a flying drone piece. More of a reconisance piece that has cloking(spelling?) ability kind of like the kraeleans, except it flies and is not that strong. Slighly weaker than a bee with slow movement while clicked and high mobility when visible


Messages: 15,
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Messages: 15,
Joined: Jul 04, 2012,
In response to Gnugary, I was also thinking of a light aerial scout unit for Titans.

When does Xavi expect to create six new units?

Messages: 29,
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Location: California, USA


Messages: 29,
Joined: Jun 14, 2009,
Location: California, USA
Going off on my other thread on burrowed Underlings being able to cross oceans, here are some new units and modified existing units that I came up with:

Modified Underling:
-Able to cross oceans. Movement should be much faster while crossing ocean.
-Able to attack air while on mountains and/or attack air units that use melee attacks(although might not be possible due to limitations of the game?).
The Queen(as in the Alien movies):
-Weaker defense than the Pincer, but fast movement.
-Attack can be a strong hit with it's tail, or acid attack that's weaker but attacks 3 tiles adjacent to it.
Kharl sea unit:
-Attacks with a strong whirlpool 2 hexes surrounding the unit(as in an EMP range). Heavy damage to sea units.

Modified Marine:
-Jet pack enabling marine to cross oceans with cool down. Once activated, can stay in air until you land. The catch is you can't do anything while flying.
-Ground unit able to plant 'bombs' on other units. Bombs can explode right away(killing yourself), or a timer(giving the receiving unit a turn to run from friendly units). Explosion will have splash damage.
Sapiens sea unit:
-Cannot be detected without air units. Heavy damage to other sea units. Slower movement. Once detected, can be sunk easily due to its weak defense.

Hunter Killer(much like the ones from the Terminator movies):
-Air unit; this is mainly to give the Titans an air unit. It is an anti-ground/sea unit with thin to medium armor. Weak vs air. Basically an attack unit with weak defense.
Titan sea unit:
The Goliath:
-Can attack 2 or multiple times/units in 1 turn. Medium damage. Heavy armor but slow movement.

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Messages: 97,
Joined: Mar 29, 2012,
  reallyfun wrote:Sapiens:
Modified Marine:
-Jet pack enabling marine to cross oceans with cool down. Once activated, can stay in air until you land. The catch is you can't do anything while flying.

The idea of the Marine being able to fly is a good one IMO. Right now the Titan Mecha and teleport, the Kralean Underling can go into a stealth mode and the Marine has no special ability. This would give all three a varied special ability.

The jetpack could function just like the Underling burying. You use a turn to "Takeoff" and another turn to "Land". Maybe you can fly over an enemy base "covering" it but can't Cap it until you "Land". This would have an interesting tradeoff too that would make Kral/Sap battles interesting. Because while in air the flying Marine would NOT have the terrain bonuses that make them so useful in that matchup.

It would give Sap/Sap battles an interesting twist as well too. You could build a "flying Marine spamwall" that Tanks would be unable to shoot!!

  reallyfun wrote:
-Cannot be detected without air units. Heavy damage to other sea units. Slower movement. Once detected, can be sunk easily due to its weak defense.

Good expansion on the Sub idea people have been throwing around. I think its important Naval Warfare is fleshed out, and that the sapien unit should be a specialty unit with Destroyers being so powerful.

  reallyfun wrote:
Hunter Killer(much like the ones from the Terminator movies):
-Air unit; this is mainly to give the Titans an air unit. It is an anti-ground/sea unit with thin to medium armor. Weak vs air. Basically an attack unit with weak defense.
Titan sea unit:
The Goliath:
-Can attack 2 or multiple times/units in 1 turn. Medium damage. Heavy armor but slow movement.

I like the idea of a second Titan water unit being like the speeder so you can block for the Hydronauts, though maybe that would be overkill. In that case your idea of a slower unit might be the better one, it would play into Titan tactics yoo. You'd still want the secondary boat in front of the Hydros to protect them and allow them to use thier range, so you'd have to play a slow buildup to get them into postion, itd be the sea version of the Walker wall-in.

The HUNTER KILLER sounds interesting but if you think about it, it would be devestating to the Sap/Titan battle. A flying anti ground unit would crush Tanks leaving Plasmas to blow right through.

Creator of Powerplay, Weakside, Strongside and Gap Control.
Also OddManBreak, IceRink, Breakout2v2

Testing FlyingV, MixNmatch, GatherRoundtheWell Give them a try!

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Messages: 2,
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I was thinking about sapiens naval unit: cruiser. It would be best ship for taking out air units with ability to repair nearbay friendly air units.
Also, how about khraleans unit Wormer, it would have no attack, but strong armor and ability to make into two way underground tunnel, through it friendly ground units would be able to travel. (good unit for getting behind enemy lines)

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Messages: 1,
Joined: Aug 24, 2012,
The saps should have a flying unit that cannot attack or defend with a special ability to move your bases once every 10 turns.
The base carrier would have a movement of 6-8
A base being carried produces not credits and obviously cannot produce units.
If a base carrier is destroyed while carrying a base, the base would be dropped on the tile below and would either be disabled for 2-3 turns, being unable to produce credits or units, or it would be destroyed (depending on what seems the most balanced).
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