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Messages posted by: copeab
Forum Index Profile for copeab »» Messages posted by copeab
General Discussion » Thoughts on Map Voting System (Lengthy, Verbose Comments) » Go to message
When I started in September 2012, you had to have a score of 1700+ to vote on a map and you had to play a map before you could vote on it.

I strongly favor having to play a map before you can vote on it. Because how much a player's vote is worth varies with score, I'm not sure if we need a minimum voting score.
New Feature Request » Changing unit pricing structure » Go to message
  LkASr wrote:I'd stick to the 50 credit increments. I've played a game with some units with that increment, didn't work out too well imo

I don't see how it would cause problems. I've played games where unit costs were in increments of 1 and it worked very well.
New Feature Request » Split the support units into two distinct units » Go to message
The first would be the medical class. These have the listed stats but lack the special attack (EMP, plague, UV blast) or the ability to convert infantry. Cost is halved.

The second is the combat engineer. They use the stats for an infantry unit of that race, get the ability to convert enemy infantry of one type, and get the special attack of the support unit. Cost 200
New Feature Request » Changing unit pricing structure » Go to message
To put it simply, since bases give credits in increments of 25, unit pricing should use increments of 25.

Cost is one way to balance units and this allows more fine tuning. For example, dropping the mantisse to 225 and raising the salamander to 225 would better balance the three amphibians, without otherwise nerfing or buffing them.
User Generated Maps » Map Contest II Voting Booth » Go to message
I vote for ticket #4
User Generated Maps » Map Contest II » Go to message
Oh, why not. I'm in
Khraleans » Using the borfly? » Go to message
I'm not quite sure how to deploy this unit. It's like a budget wyrm. I know it needs some unit to screen for it, considering it has a minimum range if 2 and is fairly fragile. Still, a bit lost on how to properly use botflies.
New Feature Request » Blaster balance? » Go to message
I posted this elsewhere, but I'll repost it here:

Change the Guardian repair rate to 0.5, rounding down after any modifiers. This means it can't heal on it's own,gets 1 point from an assimilator or med base or 3 points from both.

If you think this is too generous, make it 0.2. This means it must be on a med base with an assimilator next to it to repair a single point.

Otherwise, I have no other blaster unit changes I'd like to see changed at this time.
What's New in the Latest Updates » 1.9.80-82 NEW UNITS are RELEASED » Go to message
Just a suggestion ...

Change the guardian repair rate to 0.5, rounding down after any modifiers. This means it can't heal on it's own,gets 1 point from an assimilator or med base or 3 points from both.

If you think this is too generous, make it 0.2. This means it must be on a med base with an assimilator next to it to repair a single point.
New Feature Request » 3 new units BLASTER class discussion thread » Go to message
All the anti-armor units should have all their attack strengths lowered by 2. Range of the units should be two (three for the sapiens unit in siege mode).

Just for reference ... there are a few modern anti-tank missiles that can be used versus helicopters (ADATS, LAHAT Hellfire II), and against small warships as well. They are accurate to a longer range than tank cannon rounds.

I think sapiens would use missiles for this unit type. Titans probably use energy weapons and khral organic weapons.
New Feature Request » UPDATE - New units ! » Go to message
I favor keeping the costs but dropping all attack strengths greatly except versus ground heavy (a slight drop).

I do think that comparing the cost and stats of these units to eclipses and wyrms (the closest existing units) is fair.
User Generated Maps » Collection of Solid Capture the Flag Maps » Go to message
I view it through my profile.
User Generated Maps » Collection of Solid Capture the Flag Maps » Go to message
My MadDash map has been rated a couple of times, but suffers from the current limitations of CTF maps.

New Feature Request » Deleting map refunding map token » Go to message
I agree that it can be expensive to properly design and test a map. Probably too expensive.
New Feature Request » Support unit attack strength » Go to message
I stll think support units should have a light ground attack strength of 1 This would represent improvised weapons by the engineer and assimilator using vehicle repair tools (or a very light weapon, if you prefer) and for the infector would be their pincers.
Forum Index Profile for copeab »» Messages posted by copeab
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