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Messages posted by: Pero
Forum Index Profile for Pero »» Messages posted by Pero
Technical Support Questions » Bots Cheating » Go to message
  keymaster2 wrote:bots always have around a 1000 advantage on you.but no matter what level,they can be beaten. i can complete most campaign and solo levels on hard and i'm just slightly higher than 1500.also they don't spend most of their credits.(a bot with 8000 credits an 2 bases will probably create 2 marines)

Oh but they still cheat by attacking submerged unit from distance without having a unit next to it.
Titans » Eclipse: When & when not to Teleport...? » Go to message
  Tyrax Lightning wrote:Many thanks for the Responses! I'm liking the sound of these ideas thus far.

Edit: Is there any easy way to tell what Hexes you have Vision on but the Opponent doesn't to get an idea of where ya could potentially Teleport Eclipses from Rear Bases they were built at to somewhere out of Enemy Sight to try to wait out the 'Post-Teleport Power Down Duration' then move them in for a Flank?

None that I know of but even if there was a way it would not help you much. Don't relay on an opponent making balant mistakes. Using undo, even free one, gives you a lot of effective vision. Move a fast unit, see what's your opponent is doing, undo, repeat with other locations. Or if you don't have fast units around a base then build high vision unit, check the situation and undo unit. All three races have relatively cheap unit (250 credits) with 5 range vision and good mobility.

Staying out of reach for one turn is more reliable tactic. Unfortunately Uniwar is not like M.A.X. where vision plays significant tactical role, every ranged unit has vision equal or greater then attack range, all flying units have 5 vision, light vehicles also have 5, and few odd units have 3 vision. Only buried underlings and submerged submarine have noticeable short sight of 2.
General Discussion » Titan need their plasma tank improved. » Go to message
  Batteries wrote:I think the tanks have good movement/heal. Heal 2 on the Plasma seems a bit excessive. I think it would be fine to just give each of them a bit of a damage buff. If you really wanted to mess with mobility, maybe cut the sapien tank mobility down a little, but give it a unique ability where it gets 2 actions per turn, but in each action it can either move OR attack, but can only heal once per turn. This could allow a frontline tank to double attack, and let new tanks get into position more quickly. It could also allow move after attack in some situations.

EDIT: Just saw your post about adding new features to units. Too bad, but understandable.

This would mostly work without introducing new abilities (new code that is), just add no attack after move on top of 2 actions per turn. This wouldn't make make repair a full turn action but could be emulated with some sideffects with 1 repair per action like marauder.
Titans » Eclipse: When & when not to Teleport...? » Go to message
In 1v1 random games I saw eclipse teleport exclusively as retreat method but in team games I saw people using it to teleport into teammate's army to provide anti-air coverage.
New Feature Request » New Unit - Krahl » Go to message
  Pento wrote:Correct it is very frustrating.
I now started to play Khral and I have to say. It's easy!
I had 5 or 6 wins in a row with ease. (Ranked)
Vs Titan it's hard to lose. Underlings, Borflys and some Swarmer are enough. I don't know what Titan can do against this combination.
And vs sapien it's a little more difficult in the beginning! but with the time Sapiens gets exhausted. Plague is killing them. Sapien can't get back in attack mode after the first attacks and is just busy with healing.

My conclusion: Khral is totally overpowered!!!

So far I had enough luck with early speeders to prevent Khral from amassing too many borflys. Eclipse is effective vs anything Khral but it takes some skill in wasting it. Mass mecha on some maps can be a viable strategy .
General Discussion » Titan need their plasma tank improved. » Go to message
Plasma tank badly needs +1 mobility. In 2 vs 2 random team games there is a number of maps with a base or two on chokepoint and they slow down plasma tank stupendously down. Especially when the base is friendly and owner wants to build units there. Plasma has to spend whole turn to hop on the base and another to move to a plain on the other side.

For me main deterrent from building plasma tanks is the price. But that's something which affect all units with a price greater than one turn income. Stats beside speed are fine.

About armor piercing resistance proposal, please no. I'm of opinion that it would be unnecessarily complex but I also think the same for existing armor piercing mechanic. Why was it necessary? With low values (less then 40%) it's not much different then having higher attack stat.
General Discussion » Imbalanced Games! » Go to message
  The Impaler wrote:
  Pero wrote:What irks me personally is that blaster units (and introduction of armor penetration mechanic in general) has degraded tactics to glass cannon war. They've introduced ranged, artillery strong units for half price. Blasters not only reduced a number of tanks but also made full priced artillery redundant.

youre a little off. the ONLY reason the artillery units were good before was because tanks were OP with little to beat them (so they could both hide behind your own tanks, and attack opposing tanks). by correcting the tank issue, further issues in the battery were opened up as a cascade. The balance team is looking to buff the artillery units (or reduce cost) to increase their usefulness. The point is that the blaster units do NOT replace the entire functionality of the artillery, just the most improtant part as a tank killer. now that they are not needed as the only way to kill a tank, the room is open to give them a new niche. it was a systemic problem that has been for the most part fixed, greatly improving the speed and variability of the game, but still has residual effects to clean up.

I see, I haven't played vs humans before amphibious units got introduced so wasn't aware that tank wall was such an issue. Still, blasters result in glass cannon contest because you have to have them and they die very easily. With recent buffs eclipse can one-shot borfly and bopper on plain or negative defense tile. It's a bit too fast now for my taste . I was ok when 3 damage was base line for normal case and 5 damage if attacker type has advantage over defender (say tank vs marauder or marauder vs marine). Blasters can deal and take 7+ damage. It feels like playing Worms with sudden death from turn 1.
General Discussion » Imbalanced Games! » Go to message
I'm not running that script as-is .

On topic, it is possible to play without ALL paid units but having certain ones helps greatly. Namely bopper, guardian and salamaner. What irks me personally is that blaster units (and introduction of armor penetration mechanic in general) has degraded tactics to glass cannon war. They've introduced ranged, artillery strong units for half price. Blasters not only reduced a number of tanks but also made full priced artillery redundant.

Also submerged kraken is a joke, for minimal extra cost skimmer outruns is, has more range and shreds it to gibs with 50% armor penetration.
How to make the uniwar.com website better » Sticky: Guide to game’s mechanisms ... » Go to message
Do underwater units have some extra defense penalty beyond -1 when at naval base? When I build new submersible and opponent attacks it next turn with air of non-amphibian ground it receives significant damage but once I move it out of base it's next to invulnerable to those same units. For example swarmer deals 4 damage to freshly built skimmer (no gang up) and once skimmer is moved it can barely scratch it for 1 damage.
Bug Reports » Bug bounty: find a new bug and receive uni-coins » Go to message
- 1.13.3
- HTC 820
- Android 6.0.1

I'm seeing unusually high damage on submerged units when they are in naval base. For instance, 10 HP swarmer without gang up bonus regularly deals 3-4 damage to newly built skimmer, as if attack underwater penalty is not applied.
How to make the uniwar.com website better » Sticky: Guide to game’s mechanisms ... » Go to message
Great thread, too bad such stuff is not explained ingame. Suggestion, please list attack points vs underwater divers for all units, like you did for special mobility. Official web page is have them separate and whole page layout looks like raw data dump.
New Feature Request » Submarine defenses » Go to message
So, Kraken has 12 defense when submerged, fitting to 450 credits melee unit but is any good?

Classic units have heavy attack penalty vs submerged units, especially ground and new units have tons of armor pierce vs aquatic. It's invincible when it doesn't matter are squishier then underling when you really need it.

Other races at least have ranged subs.
General Discussion » Imbalanced Games! » Go to message
  Xtynct wrote:
  Pero wrote:If random gives you Sapiens, build marauders, a lot of them.

I'm sure you'd agree it depends on the map and how much income is awarded for each base. Sometimes marauders aren't worth it, especially on maps with low income and lots of mountainous terrain, "fault line" tiles, or water.

I don't see such maps in random game roster. I rolled Ambush once with titans, it's low income map, 2 bases, 100 credits each. Other guy was khralean and I had no problem spamming speeders. Marauders cost the same and I haven't seen a random game with less then 200 credits/turn. I'd like to see special maps like ones you mentioned in the roster. Mountainous map like mission 10 where parts of the map are completely divided by mountains would flat out not happen because titans wouldn't be able to play on them. At best you could have valleys made by mountains, I think Narrow Passage is such map but I can't judge how marauder would work there since I only played it as khralean. Water is something I'd like to see more of, roster maps are either completely dry or have 1 tile wide water or have naval bases 3+ turns of travel away from action.

Marauders are not 100% foolproof but they work more often then any single unit should.
General Discussion » Imbalanced Games! » Go to message
I too was unable to earn coins by watching ads for long time. The situation improved during last month so I was able to speed up my income but there is not too many items you really need. IMHO #1 thing to buy is infinite undo and #2 is bopper, not because it's strong on it's own but because it complements marauder.

If random gives you Sapiens, build marauders, a lot of them. Other blasters and amphibians are nice for diversity but not crucial, you can work around them. Guardians Ninja is so afraid of are glass cannons. Throw swarmers at them and they'll become hex wasters. But I must remark that blasters they do too much damage for their price. Artillery units which costs a ton hurt tanks for only 3 HP while blasters can score 5 damage with single hit.
General Discussion » "Undo" Needs to be Gone » Go to message
Regarding "undo scouting" ruining fog of war, that's an issue even with single move undo. If you have one high vision + decent mobility unit like swarmer, speeder or marauder you can easily take a peek at one enemy base, undo, peek at other base, undo and then play real move.
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