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Messages posted by: Jason Bourne
Forum Index Profile for Jason Bourne »» Messages posted by Jason Bourne
Tournaments » In-game tourney feature » Go to message
Posted on the chat, and Sims suggested I post on forum for discussion. Short version is that I just lost in my last 32 Dec tournament match despite having 1000 more kills and an extra base capped. I lost because the matchup I was losing (in terms of kills) was one turn behind when tournament (I thgt I had played it in time, but didn't seem to go through to server). Feeling quite frustrated by the outcome, so apologises if I sound emotive.

Background is that I had set an alarm to wake up to play my turns before my 12hr timer ended. I was ahead overall - and if I did not wake up specially to play I would have won my matchup as I was ahead anyway on all counts (kills and bases). In my final turn I capped a base and killed a 350 unit...so I was even further ahead. My turn in the other game didn't seem to go through before tournament ended, so on paper I was one round behind. Hence I lost the overall matchup - (opponent had less kills and less bases) - and this seems completely unfair to me.

This was my 1st tournament so perhaps I was naive, but I do think that on performance and outcome I was the better player and deserved to go through. I was clearly ahead overall. If I have just played the match I was losing and moved that ahead a round I would have won (regardless of kill count) - which would be illogical. If I did not cap an extra base or kill another unit and just slept through I would have also have won. So the scenario highlights the round based system is flawed.

I think the possible solutions are:
1) If games unfinished then win should go to player with most bases, then most kills, then least rounds (in that order)
2) To set up the mirrored games such as you must make moves on both maps before a round is complete (although again I do not prefer the round based system).

Forum Index Profile for Jason Bourne »» Messages posted by Jason Bourne
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