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Messages posted by: killermax636
Forum Index Profile for killermax636 »» Messages posted by killermax636
Bug Reports » Bug report-Legless Pinzer » Go to message
Sorry. I have just noticed that there is already a "Bug Report" section in the forum...
Bug Reports » Bug report-Legless Pinzer » Go to message
Dear developers,

There is a bug in the version 1.8.50. In the preview map of Campaign stage 1, the icon of the pinzer is not correctly displayed- the legs of the pinzer are missing.
Please fix this bug, thanks a lot!



What's New in the Latest Updates » Rank Reform - Part 4 » Go to message
I can not start a random game with the mode other than ranked solo——other modes are unavailable. And why is unrated mode removed?
Tournaments » nuclear hex » Go to message
  simsverd wrote:
  luis91 wrote:regristration where and how?


Think it is an advertisment for a "club" tourney that talone will organize over at runiwar. You will probably have to be a registered member there to play.
I also suspect that this is some kind of fee to enter...

If so, I am curious why he post that here rather than the runiwar site. Just curiosity...
Khraleans » Khraleans. Youre favorite khralena unit and why » Go to message
Swarmers for now and always, of course. One or two may seem fragile, but once the swarmers swarm up as a large swarm, they can devour anything that stands in the way. With decent fire aid, even Plasmas and other tough guys will turn into ashes!
General Discussion » No more hi-res!?!? » Go to message
Yeah, seeing the whole map is not only exciting but also provides convenience for making tactics.
Sapiens » Tank Air power » Go to message
Pinzer can throw stones towards flyers with its huge claws that tank doesn't have, which makes the difference.
Just kidding.
Sapiens » Murauder can attack Underlings? » Go to message
  cytivrat wrote:
  killermax636 wrote:
But here I would like to report a bug on this matter. When a ling is killed by ground heavy unit by stomping, the number on the units one tile around it doesn't change while it should go down by 1 since the ling is killed and no more a "mine".

It is a "bug" in your understanding of those numbers It is number of underlings around your unit. The one under it is not included in this number.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough. Let me shorten the word "number of underlings around your unit" as "A". What I mean is that, for example,with one 1hp buried ling beside one marine or anything(just these 2 units discussed),the marine's "A" is now 1. Then a marauder comes above the ling and kills the ling. The ling is no more.
Then the "A" of the marine should now be 0. However, in the game, it is still 1. That is the bug I am trying to report.
Sapiens » Murauder can attack Underlings? » Go to message
Aha! I have once done that. He and I both have lots of units but neither dare to light up the fight. I produced lots of marauders just wandering around. Suddenly I come up with this idea to kill his underlings. One move come, one move go. Just like that, I killed 2 or 3 lings.
But here I would like to report a bug on this matter. When a ling is killed by ground heavy unit by stomping, the number on the units one tile around it doesn't change while it should go down by 1 since the ling is killed and no more a "mine".
Forum Index Profile for killermax636 »» Messages posted by killermax636
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