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Messages posted by: Styrwirld
Forum Index Profile for Styrwirld »» Messages posted by Styrwirld
Tournaments » Uniwar HD Tourney » Go to message
AlphaCentaur I already sent you an invitation to a game to chat, I dont know which map we have to play.

Please go in and lets arrange to play!
Tournaments » Uniwar HD Tourney » Go to message
sure, please let me know the info I need.....pm me when decided
General Discussion » Players with no honor » Go to message

This was the situation:

We were playing a 10 minutes game, he disconnects about 2 hours, so I didnt skip his turn, I left a note saying that Im tired of skipping and win, that I wanted a fair game, and go to sleep.

When I came back, he skipped 2 turns and Kicked me from the game.

He won.

So, Unfair, Without Honor.

Tournaments » Calling Uniwar HD Contestants » Go to message
What if there is no Uniwar HD yet?
General Discussion » Setup custom ranked games » Go to message
Several maps, kway river bridge for example.
General Discussion » Setup custom ranked games » Go to message
I just wanna know,

Why when i do a custom rated game when I go to my current games the uniwar
Build an UR one instead of a Rated.

Why is this? Is this a common issue?
Or I should win an unrated in order to play that map in a rated game?

Khraleans » Why Khraleans called "Khraleans" » Go to message
cus Zergs was already taken
General Discussion » bleh, I want to play a 3min game or 10min game. » Go to message
Hi, Im new,

I just dont understand why ppl joins my game of 3 or 10min turn, and then go offline

I just want to play a quick 1v1 game, anyways.

If someone wants to play invite me! Im pretty bad so, is a quick win for you xD
Bug Reports » The game keeps putting me in new games. » Go to message
I found the solution to this, when u start a random game, it seems to be that the "SWITCH" turns "ON" regardless the one at your profile, just Turn it On and Off again and save your configuration, and the games will not spam you anymore.

Forum Index Profile for Styrwirld »» Messages posted by Styrwirld
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