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xavi wrote:In the past, capturing NEUTRAL bases were NOT taken into account. We were assuming that all players should have an initial access to the same amount of bases. This counting mechanism was inaccurate and caused some issues. Now, we are counting BOTH NEUTRAL & ENEMY bases on capture equally. It is not yet the best solution as pointed above. The solution that I suggest is to make a special case for capturing ENEMY bases where we would increment it for the capturing player and decrement it for the player losing the base.
Please comment and tell us what you think.
The solution is:
1) After capturing the base (neutral or enemy) you add +1 to the total number of CAPTURED BASES
2) After loosing the base (but only for an opponent not for a teammate) you subtract -1 to the total number of CAPTURED BASES
Angkor vs Duaneski hahaha nice topic
Xavi which player from top30 in leaderboard is involved in customazing new units stats?
At this point all new units revealed yesterday are totaly unrealistic.
you can also watch my video tutorials.
Links below in signature.
Dobry post
ja używam kalkulatora przed prawie każdym atakiem nawet w grach nierankingowych.
Poza tym staram się przewidzieć gdzie mogę zaskoczyć przeciwnika a gdzie on może mnie zaskoczyć. Jeśli takiej sytuacji nie ma to staram się tak ustawiac i budować by sytuację stworzyć gdzie będę miał kontrolę nad zagrożeniami na mapie.
Jeszcze link do poradnika:
Druga część:
xavi wrote:Are you talking about the marketing images?
If yes, then we do have some and will upload them.
that would be great
xavi wrote:6. Terrain mutator units.
Goal: to transform terrain.
I have some concerns about this idea. It could be very dangerous type of unit for map balance.
stylepro wrote:I think that you have to make units in every game mirrored.
Either both players play with new units or both players plays without new units.
Otherwise it will be totally unbalanced.
Yes I agree, also many players will say that UniWar is PAY TO WIN.
mistercreepy wrote:Hey, I bought the support developer thing. It said I will get some kind of special reward...? Did I read that wrong? What exactly do I get?
Rock on shiny flags.
You should got special background in your profile.
When you will play random game and you didn't bought new units and your opponent bought all new units then in that game you will also play with new units.
That's not a Pay to Win.
The solution is that new units will bring new tactical aspect to the game.
astoris wrote:Można się jeszcze zapisać do tej ligi? Jeśli tak to jestem chętny.
Wysłałem Ci PM w grze.
Aristotle wrote:The Walker's model has a black area on it's head.
It seems that there is a cockpit in walkers, and someone inside manipulates this unit.
It is not consistent with the settings of Titans. I think it should be changed.
It's solar panel!
No, it's not a pay to win as you can always peform free undo. How? Watch this short tutorial:
Undo tutorial
MasterYoda wrote:Legia very interesting I learned a lot from the video. And I think I understand the attack defence points too now... a more specific video on attack and defense understanding would be very interesting 
I am happy that you learned from my video.
Can you give me some examples about this "attack and defense understanding" ?
Aristotle wrote:
legia wrote:For now randomness wouldn't be removed.
For me I would like to have little bit less random factor because sometimes (1-2%) it gives a huge difference in fight result.
So how about making every hp 10 random numbers ( now it has 6 ) ? It can reduce the probability of weak or critical hit.
If you like this idea, please tell xavi. I'm not sure whether he can see my post.
It's big change to the game. You must involve more top players to this discussion.