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• 6- If the game starts to gain a bad rate because of that and don't get me wrong gain thrust from the community it's not always an easy thing, but after you lose that thrust gain-it again can be near-impossible to accomplish, so I say don't alienate your community and don't listen only the "elite" the elite are a very good thing to this niche games, but they are not enough to maintain the interest in playing the game unless they are a couple thousand or more and I sincerely don't believe there is that many in UniWar. Yes for the elite everything seems ok and passable but for the majority of the community P2W isn't acceptable.
• 7- I have some ideas and one of them is this;... why not make the game not free but and extended demo without limits, and if you choose this way make it VERY clear in the Stores that the game is not free nor full and then make a stater pack for 5~7 bucks/euro so the ones that want can purchase every IAP that affects gameplay in that pack, like unlimited undo and the every IAP units in that pack, and continue to make the other things like more slots to play/archive and finished games, even the tokens for the maps are ok but IMO it need a serious change in the value or at least a change in the system because the way it is now it's just ridiculous, just think about a game like Track Mania and now imagine that the people making tracks have to pay between ~0.22€ or ~0.16€ per token to upload the track and if they change anything after they play one time on that track they have to spend another token it's just ridiculous sorry but it is, I'm not saying that it should be free but make it like 0.01€ per token or even 0.01€ per 10 tokens, something like that... (sory for the map token subject thing going for so long).
Anyway I'm already prepared to be bombarded like in the chat but keep in your minds if I didn't care for this game was I loosing this kind of time writing in the chat/forum? Think about-it.
PS: I'm sure there is something I miss to say but this is an ongoing subject right...
PSS: you may ask why I didn't buy anything in the game, well I don't think it's right to have to pay at least 11€ so I can have enough UniCoins to purchase unlimited undo, for me that kind of money for a feature that I think should not be an IAP it's just insane! :-/
Hi everyone... I'm relatively new in the game and also here in the forums, but I want to discuss this sort-off sensitive subject...
I heard about this subject the General Chat's (English/Portuguese) that the future new units to be implemented in the game will be 'In-App-Purchases' (IAP)... I understand that the game needs income to survive and to maintain the servers and everything else, but I'm strongly opposed to this decision if it will be the real and final one, and please let me explain my point of view:
• 1- I'm following this industry (the Video-Games industry) with some passion for many years now and I have seen many great games "die" from a simple single bad decision and new units behind a paywall is a very, VERY bad decision IMHO.
• 2- Why? Let's face it unless the new units are only merely alternative-sprite-skins to the already present units in game in some situation(s) the new units will have some advantage(s) and on that point the game will be Pay-To-Win (P2W), in some degree the present undo system (unlimited) already is a bit P2W and nobody with some experience in the game can deny that having unlimited undo makes a hole-lot of a difference, off course there is some ideas to try to make that more fair but with the present random (rng) and rolls system I believe that from a two even players the one without the unlimited undo will 90% or more of the times loose even if he uses the "free" undo.
• 3- The problem with IAP that affect in some way the gameplay and for extension the players that have those IAPs is that it will, and IMO rightly so, be viewed like a P2W system and in a game like UniWar where in many situations a single move/attack/decision can change the tide of a game that's a huge problem a really big one.
• 4- The game is very fun and interesting to anyone that likes strategy per turns and the friendly and easy to pick and start playing vibe in the game is a huge plus and on top of that the great complexity that we discover very briefly after ending the single campaign and start playing online-multi-player is really the best of the best thing.
• 5- But I'm a little bit worried that the IAP for the new unit's will terminate this in a very bad way, it can be a so disastrous move that every new member that the game as gained with the pass to the free game can disappear as fast or even faster than the rate that the game gain those members until now.
Yeap... I can confirm that and it's a very easy fix. (not working as it should, pointing to www for example should fix it very easily). (working).