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Messages posted by: OGKush
Forum Index Profile for OGKush »» Messages posted by OGKush
Bug Reports » Submarine attack preview » Go to message
It's not something new but there is a bug about the Schrödinger submarine. When selecting the unit, it displays the possibilities of attack for both underwater and emerged.
Example, you select an underwater submarine that's 6 units away from a speeder. It'll display the combat result despite having a reach range of 5 (3 tiles move + 2 range).
IIRC submarine is the only of its class to be able to target non-water tiles from underwater.
So the software is probably confused by the "submarine class 3range ground attack requires it to be emerged" but "submarine can attack ground from underwater with 2 range"

I'm checking the forum like once a year, so if you need to adress me, do so in-game.
General Discussion » Borfly » Go to message
I've read the patchnote (and couldn't find a topic to discuss about it) so I'll throw my 2 cents here.

As I see things, the two new khral units are restricted to one matchup (salamander for kvs, borfly for kvk).
I don't think borfly changes are right, the unit cannot move before attacking, and cannot attack in melee, this hasn't changed and this is what, I think makes borfly weak overall. They are supposed to be a siege unit (right?) and yet they don't inspire any fear since they can be killed without dealing a single damage. When they are covered (by pinzer or garuda), the cover either dies too easily (pinzer dying to guardian) or is attacked by units borfly has a poor response against (garuda to mech-speeder-guardian).

My thought on what you should have done is either to give it 3 movement speed it can spend before attacking, or to give it 2-4/3-4 range, or to allow it to attack at melee.
What's New in the Latest Updates » 1.9.52 available on Google Play and Apple AppStore » Go to message
Thanks for this game. Is there anything new about gameplay (can't seem to figure out where patchnote is)?
Can we expect some cost/efficency balance for navy units?
General Discussion » Fixing the cancel move/vision abuse » Go to message
I don't know if there is a topic about this already, so let me start one.

We all know cancelling a move allows someone to abuse of unit vision, by sending for instance high sight high mobility units deep in to see what enemy's up to then cancelling this.

On the other hand, making a move that can be cancelled allows the player to see how his next action would impact the battle (most obvious is checking gangup damage), and that's a good thing, especially for newcomers.

I don't know if someone emitted the idea before but here it is. The idea would be to remove the undo move and add an optional phase (a little button somewhere on the screen) that allows you to do as many moves as you can, with the possibility to undo as many of them as you can, but with a restricted vision of the map, the one you have at the beginning of your turn.

I would see two drawbacks to this. First one being the "misstaps" but these happen rarely enough. The second one would probably be the loss of income for the developpers as the purchasable turn cancels would have no value anymore.

New Feature Request » UPDATE - New units ! » Go to message
I don't think giving a price to these new units is a good idea. Free to play is great. Pay to win is hated and is a great way to have all the casual players leaving the game.
New Feature Request » UPDATE - New units ! » Go to message
I like some of the ideas in there.
My opinion concerning saps:

They need an anti GH unit and a mid range unit.
The idea of the ghost is pretty amazing, but let's be honest, snipers setting tanks on fire isn't realistic. Also I personally don't like the idea of having 2 exact same abilities named differently. Maybe ghost could attack while cloaked, or ignore enemy zone control (just like they were EMPed).

The idea of heavy commando mentioned earlier is interesting, some kind of anti GH unit.. I would just like to give an idea for it. Some of you may know about these special hunting bullets that shred into meat and get larger as they go deeper. Maybe it could be adapted here and get increasing damage when enemy has more health (anti hero unit too somehow).

Another good idea is the bomber, nothing new but this unit with something like 2 range and 9 movement would just do it fine.

About khrals:

This amphibious unit, salamander, crocodile, looks good. The idea of giving it reinforced stats in swamps is also great.

But as said before, if we need some more AA this unit may not totally fit in. What about a spinelisk (or just hydralisk), dealing high GL and AA damage from like 2 range. Some kind of squishy eclipse.

About tits:

I honestly am not amazed by the style of this race (protoss op right?) but got used to it. And now there is a unit that could fit in. A support unit, rather expensive that would passively mitigate/neglect all ranged attacks directed on its neighbors allies. Some kind of guardian shield. The unit would also move, or heal its neighbors by 1 hp. I first thought of this unit for saps, but they need more important things now.

I don't think saps need another navy unit. Destroyer is an allrounder and I feel like adding one more would feel wrong.

Khrals could use of a new water unit, either amphibious or long ranged low damage, either way, able to apply armor reduction to their target.

Tits could sure be good with a new sea unit, some kind of punchbag, but I feel like it would be difficult to balance.
General Discussion » Next Balance Update Discussion April 2016 » Go to message
My point is just to make garuda more tanky and being able to benefit more easily from its sustain and have this sustain being more consistent.

I don't get what you mean about wyrm. Battery has 1 more range and is able to kite without hurting itself. Once it is in position it will constantly fire until it dies. Difference is that it is able to fire while out of position because it will be able to relocate afterwards. Wyrm often needs to set itself out of position to fire, and even then, it's damage output isn't better than the rest of its stats. And again this low range that only allows it to be zoned by any other artillery/navy unit, added to the fact that when attacking, less range also means less space for a frontline.
General Discussion » Next Balance Update Discussion April 2016 » Go to message
I'm not good at all but I'd like to share my point of view.

Swarmer indeed need a buff, either in GL, mobility or both. They are squishy, their damage is overall "ok". I don't think it needs bonus on air attack, because in KvK (Idk if that's the meta, but most of times my KvKs are principally air battles) they're already doing fine, and in KvS garudas already perform great against copters.

Some of you say garudas are weak against copters. Well let me remind you that garuda trades evenly against copter, while copters are 40% more expensive. I feel like garudas do what they're supposed to do against marauders. My suggestion would be to nerf garuda GL and air damage by let's say 2 for each while buffing it's defense by 2. It's mobility could also use a small nerf, down to 10 or 11. But the idea is, make it the punchbag it is supposed to be (bigger defense, more efficient healing), more able to pound GH units, but still with some counterplay potential (marauders).

Another idea would be to give wyrm some more mobility. I feel like its cost is not representative of its usefulness. It is the least ranged artillery, and it isn't even given the possibility to kite anything, or get in close enough to make it an issue for titans. I would give it at least +2 mobility (up to +4 but that may be a bit excessive) and more importantly, the ability to split the use these 8/9/10 mobility points before and after it attacks. For instance, wyrm moves 1 unit forwards to hit that speeder then moves 2 units behind these underlings coming as reinforcements.

But the most important, we have a good amount of amazing map makers, we can have them favoring more one race than another, map balance is often able to fix number issues without touching them.
New Feature Request » Proposal: marine stimpack » Go to message
This ability could start on a cooldown of 3 turns for example. This is just a number, as I said I haven't tried that many maps, and I don't know how far into the game you need to be to have all bases spared equally before marines can start stimming.

Also I think that this move should be a strategic one, so it must imply advantages, drawbacks, and commitment to it at some point. Mechas are disabled, kralings have to borrow without moving, have reduced movespeed, so I think they could last 2 turns and lose 2 hp. Besides that, it also allows better response to them, as their target will lose less hp (I do not master damage calculation system but marines start losing damage against basic units around 7-8, I think) and counter strikes be more impactful as marines will last shorter with these -2hp.
New Feature Request » Proposal: marine stimpack » Go to message
So every race basic unit got an ability (okay burrows not that effective anymore besides forcing positioning of some units) except sapiens. I know the game may be balanced as it is, I also know drugs are bad. Still, what about giving stimpack to marines? This ability would increase marine's movement number by 50% and allow it to do 50% more damage for let's say 2 turns at the cost of 2hp upon activation. Maybe they would then need a nerf on their stats but I still believe it would only add depth to sapiens strategy and would fit more with the saga this game inspires from.

New Feature Request » Proposal: Make buried underlings visible to the enemy » Go to message
Hey guys, I'm quite new to the game, but after reading the thread, here's my suggestion.

What about (removing the numbers of course and) revealing the burried lings only when a unit steps over or next to it.

Also as a StarCraft adept, I like that scan idea. But how would you do it? Would you have it cast on the engineer (7 radius?), or cast at a target location (rather 3-5 radius)?

Anyways don't take me too seriously, I wasn't even sure about the golden numbers before reading the topic..
Forum Index Profile for OGKush »» Messages posted by OGKush
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