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Messages posted by: marcyblaze
Forum Index Profile for marcyblaze »» Messages posted by marcyblaze
Bug Reports » Last update crash » Go to message
Me too
New Feature Request » 18 New units are coming... » Go to message
How long will be the submarine units in beta? I can't wait their public release!!!
General Discussion » New Earth Grid & Rules/Guidelines » Go to message
This map sounds great. Have you published it yet?
Bug Reports » Bug bounty: find a new bug and receive uni-coins » Go to message
  Cannondale wrote:Earning unicoins with watching ads still not working with new uniwar version

iOS version 9.3.5
iPad mini
Uniwar 1.12.9
Shop,bank,watch ad, press exit at end of ad

That happened from the first implementation of ads.
Bug Reports » Game does not unlock units after watching ads! » Go to message
This is a known issue.
General Discussion » UniWar gets acquired by Spooky House Studios » Go to message
  MasterYoda wrote:Hi, i was wondering if you will be a fixing alot of small things in uniwar, things that have been pending for quite a long time. For example (1) English flag option (2) updating unit descriptions,(there special attack range information and their movement after attack info) (3) being able to rename archived games (4) organization of friends lists (options like last logged in) (5) docks costing more mobility (for water units) (6) having art in chat for all the game tyles (like if i type mountain, a pic of mountain shows up in chat) (7) making search more user friendly ( making preferred race more sensitive (my profile says my preferred race is sapiens, i have not played sapiens in over a year)....... these are just some of the small easy fix suggestions that would make uniwar that much better

Bug Reports » Bug bounty: find a new bug and receive uni-coins » Go to message
UniWar version: Beta of the 31st August (I don't know what version is)
Device model: Huawei P9 Lite
OS Version: Android 7.0 and EMUI 5.0
Bug: I don't know if it's a bug or not. When uniwar sends me a notification for doing my turn, it appears in Polish and not in Italian (my language). Here is the screen: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7NlVjnqv5r0alRnUzhqWnR1U3c/view?usp=drivesdk
It happens only with these types of notifications. pashaka: bug fixed in 1.12.9. you may need to change language to english and back. rewarded
What's New in the Latest Updates » 1.9.98 UNDERWATER units for pre-purchase » Go to message
  karmiga wrote:Im on Android version 1.10.1 and purchased these a while ago. Still not on Solo, campaign, or custom games. @xavi is there an ETA on when the new units will be available?
There are some missing animations, but I don't know how much work is there. Try to send him a private message
Bug Reports » Can't build new units after watching ad (on iOS) » Go to message
Try to download the beta apk on your computer and open it with the emulator Memu
What's New in the Latest Updates » 1.9.97 with REWARDED AD to build any unit & full turn undo » Go to message
  simsverd wrote:here is a link to the apk-beta from my google drove. use at your own risk

I founded a bug with the ads, but they work
What's New in the Latest Updates » 1.9.97 with REWARDED AD to build any unit & full turn undo » Go to message
Xavi, can you increase the number of the beta users?
What's New in the Latest Updates » 1.9.97 with REWARDED AD to build any unit & full turn undo » Go to message
Is there a date for the release of the 1.9.96?
General Discussion » Attack strength vs. Defense strength » Go to message
With the AP how is calculated the damage?
Sorry for my English
Forum Index Profile for marcyblaze »» Messages posted by marcyblaze
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