Amount xp gained is based on how expensive a killed unit is multiplied by the damage done on the killing blow (hp before death). So high xp when killing expensive unit or lots of damage in killing hit.
Veterancy level 1 (11hp) requires xp equal to the unit cost. Eg. marine requires 100xp and walker requires 700xp.
Veterancy level 2 (12hp) requires xp equal to double the unit cost. Eg. marine requires 200xp, and walker requires 1400xp.
<XP gained via a killing hit> = <killed unit cost> X <killing damage done (hp before death)> / 10.
Eg. A marine killing a walker at 3 hp would gain 700x3/10=210xp giving it veterancy level 2 immediately. A mantisse killing a skimmer at 6 hp would get 450x6/10=270xp giving it level 1 veterancy immediately.
Required xp to level up and xp gained so far can be viewed when you click on a unit. If it is not shown, no xp has been gained yet for that unit.