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Messages posted by: Cardinals14
Forum Index Profile for Cardinals14 »» Messages posted by Cardinals14
General Discussion » A message to Duaneski, concerning 360 hour (15 day) ban. » Go to message
Will you please forward this message to ropegun2k ?
Cardinals has been banned for 360 hours and can't talk. He would like an alliance with IMRTOL SQRL, not paperboy4590 like you've been assuming, and he will defer to squirrel who he wants a peace treaty with.
He'll know what that means.
General Discussion » A message to Duaneski, concerning 360 hour (15 day) ban. » Go to message
Duaneski, I am willing to deescalate the situation. I have said my piece, and I am willing to hold my peace.
I will only further say that you seem selective in who you banned.
Robin is not one of my alts. My only chat alts were Wild Card 14_- and AltChat. I believe you may have mistaken robin and other accounts as my own. I only made 2.
I can shut up about the situation, but being banned prevents me from starting any of my own new games, or publishing an SPC. I cannot communicate with my teammates in team and FFA games. 24 hours is reasonable, and I accepted your response about it. But increasing it to 360 hours, two entire weeks is spiteful and mean. I do not believe, other than my very first message yesterday about 'taking what isn't yours' (which i did not put very well), that i have directly been intentionally degrading the Russian people. If my charge is for speaking English, I was not the only one, and zyrx was also getting right up there with me in the debate. I never meant anything to be disrespectful to any people group. It is my personal opinion that 360 hours is overreacting. It is also ruining the game for me.

I won't talk any more in the russian chat, translated or not.
Olive branch.
General Discussion » Vote of No Confidence. » Go to message
The moderator Duaneski has repeatedly either fell short in his duties, or overstepped in his authority.
Previously, I had been warned not to write song lyrics more than a few lines, and I listened. Then days later, I wrote four lines of a song on a current conversation topic, and he immediately banned me.
Currently, He and Porphyr have show massive hypocrisy in the Russian and English chats. He banned me and nobody else for speaking English in the chat, when I was in fact one of several people doing the same. My Views apparently conficted with his, but not the people I was respectfully debating with. When others spoke out against him and Porphyr IN ENGLISH CHAT, they were also banned. One of them was banned for 240 hours. Do you realize that when you are banned, you cannot start or join a game, even against a bot or an SPC? I feel for that person. This is a great way to make Uniwar into a Cancel Culture extension.

Duaneski also has cursed in english chat, a clear violation of TOS. He is generally a control freak. We should replace him with Scout73 or Ghost Walker. Here is the petition, vote against Duaneski.
Ще не вмерла України і слава, і воля,
Ще нам, браття молодії, усміхнеться доля.
Згинуть наші воріженьки, як роса на сонці.
Запануєм і ми, браття, у своїй сторонці.
General Discussion » Scout73 for Moderator » Go to message
This message is not endorsed by @Scout73.
Scout has been a huge help to everyone in Uniwar in the English chat. His poetic streams in the lore of hero mountain are second to none. He has been a responsible member of the community, and has vast knowledge of the game. He has my vote.
New Feature Request » Ability to change what number player you are in multiplayer » Go to message
Ability to change what player you are would be great. My idea is that for FFA or Team games, it would be nice to say that you want to be player 2, or 5. Right now whoever starts a game is limited to they must be player 1. Of course, this would not be an option in SPC maps. What do you think? This is something I personally really want to see.
New Feature Request » Avatars » Go to message
Mmm.... nah.
New Feature Request » New ways to get or earn Uni-coins » Go to message
Im looking forward greatly to the contribution availability!
New Feature Request » Map Starting Credits in War Report » Go to message
Not a huge thing, but it would save redundancy. I give full support for this request!
New Feature Request » "Created Map" collapsible Folders » Go to message
Hello, an idea I've seen thrown around in the Map Society and English chatrooms is folders for maps. The general idea is that you can have collapsible folders for your maps, just like you have on many features in your profile. It would make finding a map on someone's page twice as easy, and faster. Take, for example, @Prime Carrot. He has created hundreds of maps, and many of you know him from the "Badlands" series of SPC Daily Missions. On his page, he has created over a Hundred of maps in this series, even with some further subdivisions (I.E. "Dark Badlands"). On my profile, @Cardinals14, you'll see my popular HOCKY STICK series. To visualize what you would see, under my Profile's map tab, you would see
Note: in-example notes are done like [#description of concept#]

1 Created Maps (54)
2 Folders/All Maps [#Select viewing option here#]
3 Folders>
4 Standalone SPCs / HOCKY STICK / Island Survival / Drone A113 Campaign /Other Maps / Test Versions

Each of the above folders (line 4) would be collapsible, like your shared replays under achievements. You could also (line 2) choose to view maps like you can currently in a binary Folder View/ All Maps option. Can I get Thumbs Ups in the polls?
Vote Cardinals!
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