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Messages: 1,
Joined: Mar 08, 2014,


Messages: 1,
Joined: Mar 08, 2014,
Heads up. Pipka and maksimus1234, are setting up 3 player games and ganging up on the third player. As soon as that player is defeated one will surrender. Pipka in particular has amassed quite a few points this way.

Messages: 442,
Joined: Aug 07, 2010,
Location: Seattle, WA


Messages: 442,
Joined: Aug 07, 2010,
Location: Seattle, WA
Aw jeez, I read this and then completely ignored it and joined a game with this guy (with my 2nd acount, where I play more loosely with rating...) Clearly cheating and collaborating from the first move.

I took a couple of screenshots (e.g. showing red protecting blue's capture, and all the units coming straight at my position). Sims is it worth flagging this with anyone?

Messages: 921,
Joined: Dec 02, 2010,
Location: Bergen, Norway


Messages: 921,
Joined: Dec 02, 2010,
Location: Bergen, Norway
hey wax! nice seeing you why are you not in the 128-player tourney.. many good fights to be had there...

on the issue on cheaters: no. not worth it.
devs have very little time to deal with such players (sadly)

I advice ...
- dont play rated 3 or 10 minutes
- dont play rated ffa multiplayer unless you know the players

Moderator of gamechat and forum. Tourney admin.

Send me a PM here or invite me to a game if you want to ask me something, suggest a map for tourney or just wanna play a game

Messages: 442,
Joined: Aug 07, 2010,
Location: Seattle, WA


Messages: 442,
Joined: Aug 07, 2010,
Location: Seattle, WA
Alright. (Can't they just log in and yank an account? Yes, the don't play rated FFA is a (sad but) necessary rule.

128 player tourney – isn't it another group style thing where you play 12 games of the same map simultaneously? I can't keep up...

Messages: 921,
Joined: Dec 02, 2010,
Location: Bergen, Norway


Messages: 921,
Joined: Dec 02, 2010,
Location: Bergen, Norway
  waxoid wrote: Alright. (Can't they just log in and yank an account?

Technically.. it would be easy i think.. but they will only follow up on possible attempts on actual cheating. Collusion between players and multiple accounts would requre much effort.. i just cant see it happen when they have so limited time to maintain and evolve the game. (they have full time jobs besides uniwar)

  waxoid wrote:
128 player tourney – isn't it another group style thing where you play 12 games of the same map simultaneously? I can't keep up...

Its standard knockout.. but each round consist of 2 mirror games (4 games total) vs the same player .. to make it 100%fair

Moderator of gamechat and forum. Tourney admin.

Send me a PM here or invite me to a game if you want to ask me something, suggest a map for tourney or just wanna play a game

Messages: 12,
Joined: Aug 11, 2011,


Messages: 12,
Joined: Aug 11, 2011,
I also encountered pipka and maksimus 1234. They set up an 8 playe game which clearly is not fair for players 5,6,7,8 I was player 2. I suggested a draw but was refused by pipka and maksimus1234. Pipka is now ranked 5 based on cheating. Please warn as many people as possible against these dishonorable players.
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