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Forum Index » Profile for simsverd » Topics created by simsverd
watch-ad-before-build-unit-you-dont-own is a little delayed 2 simsverd 1355 Feb 08, 2017 15:50
Zardecil [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Championship tournaments
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20 simsverd 124608 Jul 07, 2016 16:36
drumstep [Latest Reply]
1.9.6/1.9.7beta 4 simsverd 2197 Jun 06, 2016 08:35
simsverd [Latest Reply]
What's New in the Latest Updates
Map statistics 2 simsverd 1737 Aug 12, 2015 12:09
legia [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Version 1.8 released 4 simsverd 2467 Jun 23, 2015 04:28
xavi [Latest Reply]
What's New in the Latest Updates
Version 1.7 released 9 simsverd 3243 May 22, 2015 16:21
jors68 [Latest Reply]
What's New in the Latest Updates
Imminent invasion - championship tournament!
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17 simsverd 6641 Mar 20, 2015 20:20
simsverd [Latest Reply]
Frozen planet - first tourney in round robin format
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38 simsverd 12456 Mar 17, 2015 12:49
unikz [Latest Reply]
Attack formula 8 simsverd 115222 Mar 10, 2015 03:53
anonym551653 [Latest Reply]
Guides & Tips
i dont remember my ingame password... 6 simsverd 2802 Jan 06, 2015 01:36
mistercreepy [Latest Reply]
Technical Support Questions
screenshot from 1.6.28 3 simsverd 1749 Dec 19, 2014 14:38
rwieczor84 [Latest Reply]
What's New in the Latest Updates
Edit:official tourneys 1 simsverd 1820 Mar 06, 2014 18:35
Dark Regent [Latest Reply]
Changes are coming to uniwar...
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64 simsverd 34007 Jan 24, 2014 18:00
Mantis Lord [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
My favourite maps 7 simsverd 3039 Jan 15, 2014 04:56
herompolbu [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Point formula 2 simsverd 76337 Jul 02, 2013 11:03
J.C. [Latest Reply]
Guides & Tips
Forum Index » Profile for simsverd » Topics created by simsverd
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