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Forum Index » Profile for IzzyNobre » Topics created by IzzyNobre
Game creation, team selection 0 IzzyNobre 1746 Mar 28, 2010 02:12
IzzyNobre [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Easier way to select maps 11 IzzyNobre 5729 Mar 27, 2010 22:59
IzzyNobre [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
What's wrong with the bots? 1 IzzyNobre 3290 Mar 26, 2010 11:35
kralux [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Helo nerf - how do you guys feel about it?
[ Go to page: 1, 2 ]
21 IzzyNobre 13636 Jul 24, 2009 10:10
Anonymous [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Any reason why text input is so cumbersome? 0 IzzyNobre 1514 Jul 20, 2009 11:41
IzzyNobre [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
New units? 0 IzzyNobre 1415 Jul 15, 2009 01:43
IzzyNobre [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Movement animation and instant replay 2 IzzyNobre 1847 Jun 24, 2009 21:28
rolando [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Forum Index » Profile for IzzyNobre » Topics created by IzzyNobre
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