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Forum Index » Profile for curmudgeon » Topics created by curmudgeon
Purchased a year pro subscription. Account says 285 days lef 2 curmudgeon 64469 Jul 22, 2019 13:53
wookieontheweb [Latest Reply]
Bug Reports
Idea to change tournaments from intolerable to fun 3 curmudgeon 2379 Jun 27, 2017 05:10
simsverd [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
What Exactly Does "Balance" Mean to You? 2 curmudgeon 2587 Oct 07, 2012 21:08
StarryBlink [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Serious Loophole 0 curmudgeon 1996 Aug 26, 2012 10:53
curmudgeon [Latest Reply]
Bug Reports
Cooling down Mechas look fully functional 1 curmudgeon 2077 Aug 18, 2012 10:57
simsverd [Latest Reply]
Bug Reports
New tile suggestions to increase diversity of maps 5 curmudgeon 3974 Jan 23, 2012 00:04
DevilWarrior [Latest Reply]
User Generated Maps
User Generated Maps Should Publish Rated 1 curmudgeon 2027 Nov 13, 2011 11:33
waxoid [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
New update bug for iphone 4 curmudgeon 3386 May 21, 2011 22:59
lantry [Latest Reply]
Bug Reports
Didn't get credits at beginning of turn 0 curmudgeon 1798 Apr 30, 2011 19:32
curmudgeon [Latest Reply]
Bug Reports
The answer to all problems 0 curmudgeon 1952 Apr 10, 2011 16:31
curmudgeon [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Base Vision 2 curmudgeon 2731 Mar 28, 2011 15:19
nfong [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Looking for a No Fog of War/ Same Species Community 0 curmudgeon 1943 Jul 23, 2010 20:47
curmudgeon [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Forum Index » Profile for curmudgeon » Topics created by curmudgeon
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