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Forum Index » Profile for Hachiman » Topics created by Hachiman
Fix remaining balance issue: Mountain/ Infantry / Converters 3 Hachiman 2211 Dec 20, 2009 12:14
commentor [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Suggestion: Fair map set-up thought 5 Hachiman 3550 Dec 16, 2009 15:25
commentor [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Fix remaining balance issue: Naval Units 4 Hachiman 10457 Nov 06, 2009 22:37
Hachiman [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Fix remaining balance issue: very unfair maps 1 Hachiman 2677 Nov 05, 2009 18:12
brainiac [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Getting Uniwar back into the Appstore top 10! 3 Hachiman 10547 Sep 30, 2009 22:04
Anonymous [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Map Statistics page. 2 Hachiman 3745 Sep 14, 2009 23:28
kralux [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Can't play through cellular Network
[ Go to page: 1, 2 ]
15 Hachiman 15473 Aug 29, 2009 17:04
PintOfAle [Latest Reply]
Technical Support Questions
Thank you for the balance changes! 3 Hachiman 4671 Aug 11, 2009 08:08
jazar [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Show turn time in open games list 2 Hachiman 1739 Jun 28, 2009 22:50
Anonymous [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Add remaining time from this turn to next turn option 4 Hachiman 2315 Jun 27, 2009 13:38
5200 [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Forum Index » Profile for Hachiman » Topics created by Hachiman
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