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Forum Index » Profile for StarryBlink » Topics created by StarryBlink
Titan need their plasma tank improved.
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38 StarryBlink 19547 May 17, 2018 17:04
caff [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Please add naval bases which can't produce ship 2 StarryBlink 2652 Mar 07, 2016 16:07
firstkyne [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
With the latest version, Bases need more vision. 6 StarryBlink 3297 Sep 02, 2015 15:19
GreyWulf [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
In Replays, Screencenters don't follow the performing units. 2 StarryBlink 2426 Aug 27, 2015 18:40
Bronco76 [Latest Reply]
Bug Reports
Can't log in using mobile network since version 1.8 4 StarryBlink 2558 Jun 23, 2015 10:56
StarryBlink [Latest Reply]
Bug Reports
In-gamed calculator in the newest update is really great. 2 StarryBlink 2178 May 22, 2015 19:29
Bigface11 [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
can assimilated underling be re-assimilated again? 2 StarryBlink 2395 Mar 30, 2012 09:31
StarryBlink [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
can not load two player maps 4 StarryBlink 2652 Mar 19, 2012 15:34
simsverd [Latest Reply]
Bug Reports
Add a naval support unit? 0 StarryBlink 1732 Jan 04, 2012 04:54
StarryBlink [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Forum Index » Profile for StarryBlink » Topics created by StarryBlink
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