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Forum Index » Profile for droidfreak36 » Topics created by droidfreak36
FYI - I'm working on a UniWar-like game for PC 14 droidfreak36 5772 Mar 09, 2017 22:01
LkASr [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Singleplayer challenge: Mission 21 w/o teleportation 0 droidfreak36 4106 Feb 18, 2014 11:53
droidfreak36 [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Problem starting random games 0 droidfreak36 2231 Nov 01, 2012 16:04
droidfreak36 [Latest Reply]
Bug Reports
New fun maps, balance suggestions for Fortresstest 4 droidfreak36 3761 Oct 12, 2012 09:36
droidfreak36 [Latest Reply]
User Generated Maps
Random games reform 5 droidfreak36 4026 Sep 25, 2012 02:20
Nicko [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Non-zero net ranking change in FFA game(s) 6 droidfreak36 3328 May 15, 2012 05:12
StarryBlink [Latest Reply]
Bug Reports
HUGE issue: Games I did not join.
[ Go to page: 1, 2 ]
16 droidfreak36 7694 Apr 09, 2012 15:02
simsverd [Latest Reply]
Bug Reports
UniWar sound effects and music 1 droidfreak36 2341 Feb 18, 2012 06:36
Nuell [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Game crashes when going offline 4 droidfreak36 3041 Feb 16, 2012 13:58
droidfreak36 [Latest Reply]
Bug Reports
Your favorite race... and why 3 droidfreak36 2735 Jan 24, 2012 23:13
waxoid [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
General tip: Counterattacks are OP 8 droidfreak36 6403 Jan 24, 2012 23:06
waxoid [Latest Reply]
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Forum Index » Profile for droidfreak36 » Topics created by droidfreak36
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