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Forum Index » Profile for dr. pepper » Topics created by dr. pepper
Sapiens Unit composition vs Khraleans
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16 dr. pepper 11608 Apr 03, 2018 22:03
The Impaler [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Clarify Resurface Bonus Attack 2 dr. pepper 19260 Mar 20, 2018 18:14
keymaster2 [Latest Reply]
Technical Support Questions
Titans vs. Sapiens (smaller maps) 10 dr. pepper 40456 Jan 29, 2018 23:51
Tyrax Lightning [Latest Reply]
Using Aquatic Units in Offline Games (iOS) 2 dr. pepper 49316 Sep 07, 2017 15:32
dr. pepper [Latest Reply]
What's New in the Latest Updates
Blaster's Impact on the Meta and how to make GH viable again
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28 dr. pepper 9581 Mar 30, 2017 09:06
wookieontheweb [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Timeline for Balance Changes / New Units 7 dr. pepper 3719 Mar 14, 2017 17:13
dr. pepper [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Thoughts on the New 2-23 Balance Changes
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28 dr. pepper 8999 Mar 14, 2017 04:03
dr. pepper [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Gang Up Bonus with Ranged Attacks 1 dr. pepper 1666 Feb 21, 2017 22:53
Michaelrn [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
'Attack Bonus' and 'Defense Bonus' 1 dr. pepper 1520 Feb 21, 2017 05:38
Michaelrn [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Marauder Attacked my Salamander and was plagued 1 dr. pepper 1612 Feb 19, 2017 17:20
Porphyr [Latest Reply]
Bug Reports
My game has been lagging for the past week 3 dr. pepper 2010 Nov 22, 2015 21:53
xavi [Latest Reply]
Technical Support Questions
CHN.xiang = cheater 2 dr. pepper 2395 Apr 23, 2011 17:29
undeadslayer [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
CHN.xiang = cheater 0 dr. pepper 1731 Apr 23, 2011 00:17
dr. pepper [Latest Reply]
Technical Support Questions
CHN.xiang = cheater 0 dr. pepper 1516 Apr 23, 2011 00:16
dr. pepper [Latest Reply]
Bug Reports
Any advice from Sapiens rated 2000+ beat Titans on Wild P? 9 dr. pepper 4614 Jul 05, 2010 12:41
dr. pepper [Latest Reply]
Forum Index » Profile for dr. pepper » Topics created by dr. pepper
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