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Forum Index » Profile for wookieontheweb » Topics created by wookieontheweb
Zoom when press and hold on a unit 0 wookieontheweb 829 May 21, 2016 10:21
wookieontheweb [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Stars under your avatar 3 wookieontheweb 32884 May 21, 2016 00:23
Apercent [Latest Reply]
How to make the uniwar.com website better
Maps - "best of five" "spiral in to control" 1 wookieontheweb 1470 May 18, 2016 11:10
TheDragon [Latest Reply]
User Generated Maps
Keep counting after time out 2 wookieontheweb 1511 May 03, 2016 13:44
TheDragon [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Combine war report and info screen 0 wookieontheweb 852 Apr 28, 2016 09:49
wookieontheweb [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Maps listed on the website 4 wookieontheweb 3149 Apr 19, 2016 22:16
wookieontheweb [Latest Reply]
How to make the uniwar.com website better
Minor UI requests 5 wookieontheweb 2447 Apr 10, 2016 13:26
TheDragon [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
War fund 9 wookieontheweb 3196 Apr 09, 2016 22:42
wookieontheweb [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
map editor improvements 1 wookieontheweb 1018 Jan 31, 2016 06:51
xavi [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
credits per base/turn 6 wookieontheweb 3575 Jan 29, 2016 10:33
wookieontheweb [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Forum Index » Profile for wookieontheweb » Topics created by wookieontheweb
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