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Forum Index » Profile for dingo » Topics created by dingo
"This item is temporarily unavailable" - iTunes App Store 1 dingo 4159 Jul 31, 2013 03:53
J.C. [Latest Reply]
Technical Support Questions
"Higher end players": What makes a map a must-join for you? 3 dingo 3757 Apr 07, 2010 18:44
dingo [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Completely remove 3 min games / Add better filtering 2 dingo 2462 Mar 18, 2010 07:31
dingo [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Limit spamming of new games 7 dingo 4474 Dec 16, 2009 16:01
commentor [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Android Version of UniWar: requests 2 dingo 2237 Nov 09, 2009 17:48
dingo [Latest Reply]
How to make the uniwar.com website better
RNG = not so random....? (Other questions inside) 2 dingo 2462 Nov 07, 2009 06:39
S1eepy [Latest Reply]
Technical Support Questions
How do you contact someone here via email? 2 dingo 2102 Oct 28, 2009 20:34
dingo [Latest Reply]
Technical Support Questions
UniWar for Android - can you play online with it yet? 1 dingo 2228 Oct 28, 2009 18:52
kralux [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Server asplode? 3 dingo 2321 Sep 22, 2009 21:16
dingo [Latest Reply]
Technical Support Questions
Porting iPhone games to Zune HD 0 dingo 2050 Sep 22, 2009 13:01
dingo [Latest Reply]
What's New in the Latest Updates
"Available to random games" being reset to "Yes" 5 dingo 3192 Sep 16, 2009 08:26
dingo [Latest Reply]
Technical Support Questions
Turns taking very long time 3 dingo 2305 Sep 10, 2009 11:08
dingo [Latest Reply]
Technical Support Questions
Forum Index » Profile for dingo » Topics created by dingo
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