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Forum Index » Profile for Selexcis » Topics created by Selexcis
Cities and their effects. 3 Selexcis 3514 Jan 14, 2017 04:36
OmegaD [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Balance issue for tournament re: number of bases captured. 9 Selexcis 4312 Jan 11, 2017 00:36
s3m420 [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Fix description of swarmer. 1 Selexcis 2086 Dec 26, 2016 08:13
wumbodin [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Pinzer GL attack now 12? 3 Selexcis 2551 Nov 30, 2016 12:56
Selexcis [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Etiquette on time outs and skipping turns in tournaments 5 Selexcis 3086 May 09, 2016 02:29
Selexcis [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Impossibly low damage in tournament? 10 Selexcis 4444 Apr 13, 2016 12:23
TheDragon [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
New abilities for support units 7 Selexcis 2903 Apr 07, 2016 00:32
Selexcis [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Capturing 3 Selexcis 1830 Mar 08, 2016 03:44
LkASr [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Forum Index » Profile for Selexcis » Topics created by Selexcis
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