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Forum Index » Profile for locmerci » Topics created by locmerci
Did it ever open the strong/weak attack algorithm code? 0 locmerci 85910 Sep 12, 2022 05:29
locmerci [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
As to hit point 1 locmerci 89611 Jun 23, 2022 01:04
locmerci [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
What about add a roulette to decide the strong/weak attack? 0 locmerci 94583 Aug 07, 2021 09:19
locmerci [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Bug? Or cheat? 1 locmerci 38466 Jul 14, 2021 21:35
uw-sandman [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Bug? Or cheating? Any body can tell? 2 locmerci 152582 Jul 14, 2021 21:33
uw-sandman [Latest Reply]
Feature requests/suggestions 2 locmerci 85549 Nov 24, 2020 00:25
Nishant [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Attack system modification suggestion 1 locmerci 22169 Oct 10, 2020 14:27
locmerci [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
What about add some information in the final statistics? 1 locmerci 20387 Aug 16, 2020 00:36
wookieontheweb [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
suggestions 2 locmerci 19872 Jan 03, 2020 15:29
wookieontheweb [Latest Reply]
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System error bless you 2 locmerci 3297 Nov 26, 2018 15:15
The Impaler [Latest Reply]
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Forum Index » Profile for locmerci » Topics created by locmerci
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