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Messages posted by: cmbaptist
Forum Index Profile for cmbaptist »» Messages posted by cmbaptist
General Discussion » Whould you skip or not in this instance? » Go to message
I usually always hold out and wait for someone only if they specify a reason they need extra time in which case I have no problem waiting.
General Discussion » Love is a beautiful and dangerous thing » Go to message
AAAAAHAHAHA!!! Hilarious
General Discussion » Great disrespect calls for even greater tolerance. » Go to message
AGAIN... We're splitting hairs here guys... But point taken....
General Discussion » Great disrespect calls for even greater tolerance. » Go to message
I'll comment on what moose said before I get to my thought, and I'm sorry for your loss Rossi that was a very tragic and senseless loss of life. But I would hope if someone had the audacity to make a profile named " twin towers down ", that put the moose in fight mode. Here is the thing, something's are just plain wrong, and you can't just be " cool " with everything that comes along. Sometimes unfortunately confrontation is required or else people will continue to push the moral boundary further and further until uniwar has become so toxic people like myself, and many others will pull the pin altogether. Now to my thought...

The names xDOLF & xITLER are very untasteful and most I think would agree, but as distasteful as those names are they have become a byproduct of my real concern and that, is the person that has jokingly talked about gassing Jews on more than one occasion.... What happens is when someone with that type of uneducated and EXTREMELY hurtful humor sees a guy profile named "xITLER" something must go off in the they're pea brained head that says " this place allows "Jew jokes".... In all reality I'm tired of talking about this, this is not an anti liberal political debate as I'm sure most have taken my concerns to be, really it's just a respect thing, those who don't have it need it, all I want to do is help em learn it.

God bless
General Discussion » Great disrespect calls for even greater tolerance. » Go to message
We cool you know I still love moose man
General Discussion » Great disrespect calls for even greater tolerance. » Go to message
Unfortunately when hard stances are made a target forms on the back of the one making the stance. That's alright, what's done is done... Oh btw moose don't attempt to quote Scripture to me. I know what the Bible says and what it stands for despite what the rebellious would make it to say... But I stand by what I said in the beginning of this post, some things are just wrong and need to be pointed out..
General Discussion » Great disrespect calls for even greater tolerance. » Go to message
C'mon apercent that's a weak argument.
General Discussion » Great disrespect calls for even greater tolerance. » Go to message
I don't know I've always been willing to admit when I'm wrong about something, as I usually shoot first and ask questions later. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, however I still find it incredibly disrespectful as well as distasteful. I know were all different and of different cultures but that just seems like something everyone would agree on.
General Discussion » Great disrespect calls for even greater tolerance. » Go to message
Hello UNIWAR community and apologies in advance for what I'm about to say, but this issue has come to a boiling point with me and no doubt others as well. Also I understand forehand it's not my job to go around telling people how they should behave and what they should talk about in public chat, I get all that... But I get so sick of players talking about " gassing Jews " in casual conversation or players having the liberty to name they're profile names xITLER or xDOLF. I will not say those names in my home so it's very unfortunate that garbage has to get crammed down the community's throat. In what world does genocide come up in casual talk with no reverence to those who died in those mass murders, or those how died liberating them, out those who lost family members? Again I apologize for the heavy topic but I've had my fill.
General Discussion » Board Game Uniwar Update » Go to message
So many aspects are involved with underling ability I mean heck, even on the video version there have been more glitches with buried underlings than anything else I can think of. Good luck with your efforts .
Almost calls for a replacement unit. You would probably end up basing every aspect of the game to fit with one unit. ( that kind of sucks anyway)
Khraleans » Khral v Khral solo play hard level » Go to message
Chato hill is impossible in hard mode, I've never talked to anyone who's mastered it.
Bug Reports » Beta testing reports for 1.8.25 and above » Go to message
Just updated to 1.8.30 last night. So far this is what I have noticed and I have screenshots to verify.

In an ongoing match that was started a couple days before I updated I am playing as khraals and going against titans, my underlings are not given the option to heal in the acton menu, but instead they are given the option to teleport. It has not allowed me to teleport them only give as an option rather than heal.


Ok when an underling is under a titan mecha unit it will give khraal player option to teleport but will not allow the action.
Also if underling is under titan unit that is in need of repair, then it it will allow "repair" to be an option in the action menu. However if underling is under a titan unit with full health regardless of underling HP, it will not allow "repair as an option in the Acton menu.


Underling takes on what ever special ability of the unit it's under
At least when going against titans. When an underling is under a speeder, it can move as far as a speeder, bad thing is the server didn't catch it.

UPDATE: same thing in campaign mode.
Bug Reports » Beta testing reports for 1.8.25 and above » Go to message
FIXED in 1.8.32: Opponent unit was visible behind fog
UniWar: Origins » How did UniWar start? » Go to message
I'm guessing, like me the creators of Uniwar were fans of War Hammer 40k, chess, and command and conquer.
Forum Index Profile for cmbaptist »» Messages posted by cmbaptist
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