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I've found that Wyrms are extremely effective against copters...that is if you can protect it well. Especially hard on an open map with those pesky Marauder's zipping around!
Beat the copter down with your Wyrm first then send in your Swarmers and/or Garuda's to finish up the job. Also, focus on one copter at a time and take it out of play permanently. Otherwise a good player will fly away and find an engineer to bring it back into rotation later.
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that is the best strategy I've come up with as well, but as you touched on, with copters being as mobile as they are, it's hard to keep a worm alive and safe
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I like a wall of Pinzers to hide the Wyrm behind and flank that either side with Swarmers/Garudas. You can make it so the copter cannot get round behind. The Pinzers survive the copter attacks pretty well while you build their numbers, then you can add the rest of the platoon. Some terrain better for this than others of course.
i think garuda aerial attack is too weak. it should be 10, not 9. i attacked a heli once with 2 garudas both with full health on opposite sides of the heli and only got the heli down to 1 health. if attacking with 2 healthy garudas on opposite sides can't kill a heli what chance do khraleans have?
The Heli defense is too strong. I have had cases were 2 fully healthy Walkers shoot a Heli and it still survives. Do you know how difficult it is to get a situation where 2 Walkers can shoot a Heli?
2 healthy walkers couldn't kill a heli? that's surprising. if that's true, then either the heli defense is indeed too strong, or the random luck factor is just out of whack.
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Wyrms + Pinzers vs heli is awesome. Even better if you have a garuda to finish 'em when they run!
i had a 10 health walker hit a 5 health heli and it only took 4 damage and managed to escape. either that's just bad luck or the heli is indeed too strong.
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Its not just that a single Heli is too strong. Its the combination of factors together.
The Heli's work as a swarm, easily flying to where the defense is weakest. They gang up on single targets and then escape to heal and fight another day.
Bugs can build their own flying army to counter this, but Titans simply have no answer for this type of attack.
I no longer play Titan vs. Sap unless the map is such that the Titan can concentrate all its forces in one strategic spot.
Add in some EMP spam as well, and on many maps Titans have no hope against Saps. This needs to be fixed ASAP. And making Heli's cost more will not solve the problem since the Sap player will just take a little longer to build his Heli swarm. The obvious fix is to reduce the Heli movement after attack to just 1 Hex AND to lower the Heli defense a little so that it is harder for it to get away and heal.
As stated before, Sap's should get some other benefit to compensate them for this. Probably make the Battery better and/or make the Sap tank able to fight air units.
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Hachiman wrote: Wyrms + Pinzers vs heli is awesome. Even better if you have a garuda to finish 'em when they run!
Sounds like an interesting plan, I'll give it a try. Problem is, in my experience it seems that a fast Sapiens player will start spawning Helos and nothing more, giving you little time for Wyrms, let alone the Pinzer wall to back them up.
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Heli's are expensive too, and Garudas and Underlings both make cheap and useful initial/ secondary blockers where you can't afford Pinzers.
Garuda's have the advantage of almost being able to go toe to toe with the heli's too...
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IzzyNobre wrote:
Hachiman wrote: Wyrms + Pinzers vs heli is awesome. Even better if you have a garuda to finish 'em when they run!
Sounds like an interesting plan, I'll give it a try. Problem is, in my experience it seems that a fast Sapiens player will start spawning Helos and nothing more, giving you little time for Wyrms, let alone the Pinzer wall to back them up.
Also as the helos can jump back 2 places from your wall of Pinzers, the Wyrm behind is then out of range to strike back. I think Wyrm attack should reach 1 further for balance. The walkers long range is almost undefeatable if multiple units are staggered and protecting each other. You have to offer a Garuda up for bombardment just to get a chance to reach the walker on the next turn. Buried underlings work well, but now their position is flagged they can be blocked by careful troop positioning, making it very hard to decimate a bank of the things. Same thing with the long range of the ships - fine 1 to 1 because if you get close they cant defend, but that is no help if another one is 2 squares behind etc.
Of course - it may just be that I've been playing better players, but I usually know when I've made a mistake and if I haven't and it is still unwinnable, then there is a mismatch in overall army strength. I've become good at winning battles but I am still losing wars (as Khraleans) so the cost of those mini victories is too high for the long game.
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i think it would be great if the dev. team made each unit have an opposing unit that was equal, a sort of yin/yang of the UniWar units. There is enough to think about in a six player match, with out having to consider which race would benefit vs. other races.
Don't get me wrong, i don't want to lose the aspect of which race would be better on any given map.
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if you want an equal unit, just pick the same race as your opponent. the entire point of different races is that each race has their strength and weaknesses. you need to figure out what they are and use different strategy depending on what races you and your opponent have chosen and the map you're playing (as well as who moves first). some races do better on certain maps. that's all part of the game. if every race had equal abilities, then you'd only need one race and 2 different colors. i believe they call that game chess.