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Messages posted by: FuzzyEukaryote
Forum Index Profile for FuzzyEukaryote »» Messages posted by FuzzyEukaryote
User Generated Maps » Lord of the Realms » Go to message
Coat of arms:

Name your Realm: Moldy Peaches
Choose your Realms one area of focus: agriculture

Realm location: south

Housing (fixed): 50%
Barracks (for housing soldiers): 10%
Libraries (to learn): 10%
Temples (for faith): 5%
Farms (to produce food): 15%
Markets (for trade): 10%

Special buildings: Great Library

Favored troop type (choose one): healers

Religion type (choose one): monotheistic

Name your god: God of life

Primary characteristic of your god(s): (choose one): redeeming

Describe your people: over-ripe

Describe your leadership style: educated

Describe your realm's history: scholarly

Starting research project: Farming equipment
New Feature Request » New veterancy system » Go to message
  iminthefloor wrote:Lastly, guardians are unable to use veteran at all!! I have made guardians r2v several times!! But it's impossible to get to 11 or 12 without repair

Actually they still get the +1 attack bonus per ^. But yes it would be nice if they could also use the increased max hp.
User Generated Maps » Map Contest II Voting Booth » Go to message
New Feature Request » Eclipse 2.0 » Go to message
100% AP would mean it does the same damage to all air units. That could be interesting, but negates the point of having defense.
What's New in the Latest Updates » 1.9.90 Added 3 new amphibious units. » Go to message
Question about blaster units: are those allowed in all ranked games now? In other words, is an update required to be able to build blaster units in ranked games.
Also, what about the ad before build system? Is that in place?

Next, bug to report: underling over a harbor has the wrong green glow to indicate it can make its move. It looks like the buried underling glow, but he is on the surface.
What's New in the Latest Updates » 1.9.90 Added 3 new amphibious units. » Go to message
I'm not able to see new unit statistics. No blaster or amphibious
General Discussion » Maps are too easily unrated » Go to message
That would make far too many maps rated. Bad maps. :thumbup > :thumbdown might be OK.

If a map gets down voted, you could always ask the community to vote on it. Also, inviting friends to a game with you will let them vote on it too.
New Feature Request » Choose the best name for the new amphibian unit? » Go to message
A name with "hover" in it would work well, in my opinion. Hovercraft is already a word. That could work. But maybe something more exotic would be fun.
User Generated Maps » Map Contest! » Go to message
Ticket 3
What's New in the Latest Updates » 1.9.85 Maintenance release » Go to message
Another minor bug: when a game ends while you are looking at it (enemy suddenly surrenders), it acts weird. It showed me the victory screen, asked me to claims reward that wasn't ready (gave 0 coins). When I pressed the exit button, it flashed to the same screen again. It let me leave the second time when I didn't try to claim the reward. Later, after my next move, next game took me back to this game like it usually does when a game ends and showed me the war report for the third time.
What's New in the Latest Updates » 1.9.85 Maintenance release » Go to message
Agree wookie. When the enemy surrenders, their bases go neutral and then their total bases is 0. Instead it should be the number they had right before the surrender.

New Feature Request » Separate map chat? » Go to message
Sounds good to me. Not sure what goes into making a new chat room though. On the surface it seems relatively easy.
What's New in the Latest Updates » 1.9.85 Maintenance release » Go to message
Tournaments are sorted by year. Neat. However, it seems to use the end date rather than start date. I'm doing well in the November 2016 championship (until Soli crushes me to a bloody pulp) so it shows under 2017 since I'm still playing it. I lost quickly in the December 2016 tournament, so it shows under 2016 still.
General Discussion » New tiles opinions balance? » Go to message
I don't have much trouble with the new hexes. The -2 defense of roads sometimes balances out the lower movement. If you position your units on one side of a road, then they need to stand on the road to hit you. Depends on the map though. Pinzer does get double movement on the road hexes too. Also gives wyrm a larger threat range than other artillery. I think cities favor Khraleans. Titans need to be 1 hex away, sapians 2, but underling can stand on city from 3 hex away.
Bug Reports » Helicopter/Base bug? » Go to message
You say the UI didn't show it, but your helicopter took extra damage? Probably just a lucky combat roll.
Forum Index Profile for FuzzyEukaryote »» Messages posted by FuzzyEukaryote
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