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Messages posted by: Cpt Hawaiian
Forum Index Profile for Cpt Hawaiian »» Messages posted by Cpt Hawaiian
General Discussion » Siege units and gang up bonus » Go to message
Do you get gang up bonuses with siege? And if so, how does it work with all the weird possible angles?
Titans » Map: Peanuts Problems vs. Sapiens » Go to message
yeah, sorry. Peanut Isle.
What's New in the Latest Updates » Please update in-game info section with new update details » Go to message
Now I'm kinda confused because I can't move the infector with 8 movement points. So I'm wondering, have these changes even been implemented yet? The stats on this website show anti-air of 3 for marines, but in game it seems to be 4. What's going on?
Titans » Map: Peanuts Problems vs. Sapiens » Go to message
Okay, as Titans vs. Saps, really Titans have no chance on this! Am I missing some great opening strategy? Especially if you don't go first. Sap will easily get mountain base before you, and then control you all over the place with engineers. How can you properly counter all this? In addition, it is a low credit map, so you can't really build much with 200 per turn to begin with. Ugh.
General Discussion » Rated games » Go to message
I had a team game 3 vs. 3 against 3 opponents all of lesser ranking than me. One of the other team's players surrendered in the second round. So we three teammates agreed to surrender in the third round just to be nice to the other team. Well, our third teammate doesn't do so, and goes into the 4th round! They all play to the death and our team of 1 ends up losing against the other 2. I lost so many points I was pretty mad. haha So make sure in a team game, if one of the others drops out, don't be nice and just surrender unless you are SURE your whole team will do it by round 3. Better yet, simply offer peace to be nice.
What's New in the Latest Updates » Please update in-game info section with new update details » Go to message
I just noticed the in-game info section hasn't updated the update information of Infestor move 8 and marine air attack down to 3. I just had a marine stolen by an infestor because I thought, "he can't go over forest and plains to get me," and i checked the info section just to verify that infestor mobility was 6. Then the next turn, BAM!!! infected marine! I was like, what the... OH YEAH, the update!!! hahaha

I still won the game of course, because I am soooo bad.
General Discussion » Veterancy? » Go to message
great question. would like to know also.
What's New in the Latest Updates » Uniwar Balance Change » Go to message
I just noticed the in-game info section hasn't updated this update information. I just had a marine stolen by an infestor because I thought, "he can't go over forest and plains to get me," and i checked the info section just to verify that infestor mobility was 6. Then the next turn, BAM!!! infected marine! I was like, what the... OH YEAH, the update!!! hahaha

I still won the game of course, because I am soooo bad.
What's New in the Latest Updates » Balance Changes... And The Topic of BALANCING THE SAPIENS. » Go to message
General Petraeus, while I appreciate everything you did in Iraq, I must respectfully DISAGREE with everything you say here. Maurauders are GREAT units when used appropriately. They can literally get everywhere and surprise opponents. Once you get used to their two moves, you can literally get around zone of control areas and hit weaker units behind the front lines. Some of your strategies are a kinda off, and I recommend you keep playing and trying things out. I read your other post about upping marine defense by 3-4 was it? WOW! I recommend studying the battle formula given in another thread in these forums and getting a good understanding of it. Anyway, thanks for sharing your ideas, though. Keep playing!!! It's good to see you are involved in the game as there aren't a whole lot of posters in this community.
What's New in the Latest Updates » Uniwar Balance Change » Go to message
  nfong wrote:

I suggested the UV idea to kralux, and he said that would be unrealistic, because ultraviolet rays don't go through the ground.

But yes, smash damage should be 2, and it should be done by ALL units. Not just ground heavy.

And regarding emp on the go, maybe that might be a good idea...but I dunno, since I mostly play titans.
To even out titans vs saps, I would raise the tank's defence 1-2 points, and also give it 1-2 aerial attack.

I think they should rename UV as Death Ray. Because those DO go through the ground then. And that would be FAR more realistic. lol And just to reiterate, I do NOT think EMP on the go would be good. Way overpowered. Not sure really how to buff Saps vs. Titans at this point, but I'm not so sure about raising tank defense because they are so spammable. They're cheaper than Pinzers, after all.

But as for Khrals vs. Titans, yeah, I think some combination of ideas would be good, ranging from either lowering the popup attack bonus (I think this should definitely be lowered), to smash damage of 2, to no underground healing, to "death ray" hitting underground, etc. And actually, I kinda like your idea of everything causing smashing damage with only heavies doing 2. Maybe then buried underlings could still heal in that case.

thethanx: I totally agree with you here. Realism? We're talking about game balance here! Call it a Death Ray, then! haha
What's New in the Latest Updates » Uniwar Balance Change » Go to message
  Solitary wrote: I liked the idea of plague range 2 and giving it a cooldown as plague is basically useless atm and forcing the enemy to build an engineer or two takes a lot of pressure off a marine push. Don't forget khrals already have underling with resurface bonus to weaken marines and the tendancy of most players to not use it doesn't alter the fact that it's there as an option....I also vote two smash damage against ants and uv to affect buried units although I'd say the reasons for that are pretty obvious xD.

I totally agree with this. People don't realize how effective a few buried underlings are at raping a front Sap line, in mountains, trees, or wherever, even when they pop out of swamp to attack. (Thinking The Bog map here). And plague is really never seen in games. The infector is almost solely a healing unit, and noone wants to risk losing it to just infect a few Saps. And it is rarely risked to steal marines because it's not as even a trade as stealing with other races is because you lose 300 when that thing goes down. I actually like the increased mobility of the thing, because it will allow greater tactical use of it for stealing a marine that might create a new chokepoint. But I think buffing the range of plague to 2 would make everything so much more interesting and more so directly weaken packs of marines. (what if the infector had to "pay" 1 or 2 of its hit points to do a 2 range plague? Or maybe was disabled for 1 turn thereafter from healing or moving? I don't know, just brainstorming)

Regarding underlings, yes, UV should hit them and smash damage should be 2! But NO EMP on the go, please!!!

General Discussion » Solitary changes race!!! » Go to message
I kind of agree here. I think the changes should be reversed for now and a better solution thought of. I think making plague improved in terms of range would make a big difference. In fact, even if the infector had to be immobilized one turn after firing off a 2 range plague to ensure that Khrals could only use it safely from a secure position, at least you would see more use of the ability in the game! With this change Khrals would actually have an ability to limit Sapien healing, and it is a direct buff against marines packed in bunches in trees and mountains. This would be a less drastic change to the balance and also a very interesting one, because you never see plague as it is. And as stated before, would actually cause Saps to have to get engineers out there to counter it.

Nerfing anti-air of marines is a very drastic change. And buffing the wyrm? hmmmm, i don't think i like that one.

I would like it if the devs just test out some games with a 2 range plague and see how it plays out.
General Discussion » Is there a -3 defense modifier when capturing bases? » Go to message
[in regard to the damage estimators] In case you haven't seen the other thread, the numbers given are an estimate as I have had actual results vary by one point so far. I'm guessing on rare cases it may even be 2 off but haven't seen it yet. I've also had different estimates shown for the same matchup on occasion. (i.e. I have a mecha within range of two swarmers of equal health and the estimates are strangely not the same, but vary by a point or so)
General Discussion » Attack System Update » Go to message
  nfong wrote: oh
How does the new attack system work? Does it calculate how much dmge you will most likely do?

It's an estimate because I've noticed a few times the estimate has been slightly off by 1 point. Never seen it 2 off yet, but it might be possible.
What's New in the Latest Updates » New Race Balancing Proposal - Sept 2010 » Go to message
  thethanx wrote:

Having ONLY titan units deal 2 damage to them seems sort of silly, and as someone pointed out, a better counter is to really fill up all your empty space with mechas anyhoo.

It's true that a better counter to underling spam is to cover with mechas (it's the ONLY real counter), which is why upping smash damage for heavy Titan units is a very, very light buff, all things considered. Really, smash damage is trivial as it is, being that it is rather rare that you will actually tactically smash underlings and rather it is usually just a minor bonus. So upping the smash damage would make it at least somewhat relevant to actually use the ability and also make a heavy unit Titan army a slight bit less vulnerable to mass underlings.

Regarding Infector plague range, I think it would be great if the range for plague is 2 unless the Infector moves, in which the range is then only 1 as it is now.
Forum Index Profile for Cpt Hawaiian »» Messages posted by Cpt Hawaiian
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