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Messages posted by: Nixflix
Forum Index Profile for Nixflix »» Messages posted by Nixflix
General Discussion » Best Unit of all Time » Go to message
i voted for my favorite!!!!
How to make the uniwar.com website better » UNIWAR 2 » Go to message
currently unkownn
Titans » Very few titans on top of the leaderboard? » Go to message
no you weren't, i remember quite vividly
you were titans
i was kraleanss
Titans » Very few titans on top of the leaderboard? » Go to message
Wait was deadfish te one when I was kraleans and you were titans and I had my pinzers and when I was winning u aked what you did wrong or was that a game
before that
General Discussion » The Rules » Go to message
Conceitedddd muchh??¿?
General Discussion » The Rules » Go to message
it seems legit to me
General Discussion » The Rules » Go to message
  Nicko wrote: 1- Don't piss Nicko off
2- Nicko is always right
3- When Nicko isn't right, rule #2 applies
4- All of the above do not apply...ever
5- Rule #4 always applies

What's the point of rule number four???
Tournaments » New tournament anytime soon? » Go to message
it makes since
we could do it that way
maybee we will
Titans » Very few titans on top of the leaderboard? » Go to message
you just said it was titansVtitans
and yet i was kraleans?

i remember beating you as me kraleans and you titans
Guides & Tips » cheat! players can see buried units! » Go to message
...could see as in actually see them,
or did he just use the little yellow numbers (that every single player on uniwar is given once underground spyders are near)?
it's really not hard if you have some units around the underground guy...
invite me to an unrated if you need proof
Titans » Very few titans on top of the leaderboard? » Go to message
Nooo..I would never say such a lie,
and your only wins on my are in mass naval wars : |
stupid boats...
Tournaments » New tournament anytime soon? » Go to message
...blue player= te person who goes first on the map...soemtimes there can be an advantage there
but the above would only be neccessary if it was the best 2/3
Titans » Very few titans on top of the leaderboard? » Go to message
does the above not re-approve my point/opinion?
Tournaments » New tournament anytime soon? » Go to message
Yes and 1 round someone plays as blue the next round the other player plays as blue
if it gets to round three(3)...should we just let the original blue player start as blue once more?
Tournaments » New tournament anytime soon? » Go to message
Because you have to trust that the loser will say he lost
the winner will probably say he won anyways
unless we can get some form of proof? idk if that's possible
Forum Index Profile for Nixflix »» Messages posted by Nixflix
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