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Messages posted by: Nixflix
Forum Index Profile for Nixflix »» Messages posted by Nixflix
General Discussion » Top 300, woo! » Go to message
I know.
You seem to be quite concerned with points.
General Discussion » Top 300, woo! » Go to message
And 1760 Is an even bigger loss of points, how does that prove wht you siad in any way?
General Discussion » Top 300, woo! » Go to message
He's lost almost half the times to me.
He won a few times
There were around one or two draws.
General Discussion » Top 300, woo! » Go to message
Nfong has played me(around 1760) in rated games quite a few times.
General Discussion » Cross platform? » Go to message
General Discussion » Can someone check if this guy cheats or not please? » Go to message
Screen shots always good..if he is still "cheating".
Are you still in a game with him and if so has he stopped
General Discussion » New Balance Changes » Go to message
I know what you mean..
Just a few days ago i was playing a game with someone on deadmonk, sapien vs sapien, and three times I risked my helicopter to kill one of his that was going to heal..but his was left with one hp the three times..
Khraleans » Order of Aerial Attack » Go to message
I'm pretty sure it does but not certain
Its usually a good idea to attack with swarmer then Garuda, because the enemy will then have lower hp when the garuda attacks so it will recieve less damage
I'm not 100% on ranged gang up bonus though, so ill let someone else tell you about that
Khraleans » Khraleans. Youre favorite khralena unit and why » Go to message
I know right!
Khraleans » Swarmers » Go to message
Does this call for a test?
I think I already tested it before though
Sapiens » Battery Rush - Dead Monk » Go to message
They're fun :D
Khraleans » Swarmers » Go to message
A pinzer only might receive -2 if the helicopter has all 10 hp
And I don't think pinzers<eclipses-I'd like to see an eclipse kill a pinzer
General Discussion » Skipping players » Go to message
If you mean low ranked as in like 1500-1480 then i understand, but other then that I wouldnt think rank would determine whether to skip him or not
But yeah, I usually only make 3 day turn games if I'm making it rated, but sometimes i join 1 day games
Khraleans » Swarmers » Go to message
You may want to re-check your senses

And nicko, I know how regular gang up bonus for ground guys work, but for somereason I think it's different for ranged attacks
And for some odd reason I like giving a pinzer a gang up bonus on an arial unit, just tonsee it do one or two damage (although they do a little more on swarmers)
Khraleans » Swarmers » Go to message
Your wall wouldn't be bad but it's right next to a wall of mountains!!
And when I put marines on those mountains, well..
Domt worry goulin, I'm just defending
And good to know nfong good to knowww
Forum Index Profile for Nixflix »» Messages posted by Nixflix
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