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New race (the machine)
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As soon as I beat Chad 2, he got up. He had his tears, and ran to his bed. He was so sad he jumped right on Chad, not even bothering to move. And I could hear his moaning from the tournament room.

My next opponent was chads oldest brother. Chad 3 was tall and had a hideously disfigured face. He looked and spook like two face

I made a patrol bot to kill the helicopters. That was a mistake. A maruader came out and immediately murdered my patrol bot. So I made a guardian to kill the maruader. And the saps sent a tank after the guardian. So I tried to make a missile, but it got its but kicked by a helicopter . that's the second worse thing; helicopters were everywhere and they kept shooting down my missile without so much as a counter attack to deter them from killing me.

I didnt know what to do. Saps had me countered. So I spammed up on infantry. They immediately got killed by helis. I tried to make an eye bot. That seemed to turn the tide of the battle. I had enough firepower to shoot down the helis, giving my guardian elbow room to take down maruader, and keeping my missles safe. The only problem is the eye bot was too expensive. I couldn't afford to keep my other units safe. So they all succumbed to the power of the helicopter.

"Good game", said Chad.
" Good game?! Good game?!?! Good game?!?!?!?",I screamed. For revenge, I let a loose into Chad's salad. The nearest bathroom wasn't that far, but I wanted him to feel the indigestion I got from losing.

M v k is fair, although it might be a but favoring m in areas where swarmer spam isn't possible

M v s is too hard, because there's no good counter to helicopters

Make the eye bot cheaper
If you want this race to be more explosive, reduce their life spans dramatically, and raise stats. The main problem is, most units I make die before their life turn is over anyways.

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I can see mecha getting used in smaller maps, but that means that patrol bots will be used as a counter, and guardians. So, it's still fair, all in all.

Laser bots, as I just said, cost too much to be useful versus weak units

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Chad Sat back for a minute. And then he invited his grandma, Chad, to come and help him fight.
What do ya say we call her chadma?
Chadma says to me,". Come here honey, let's fight. It's for Chad honor, after all! ".
Well, I had a lead of 2 to 1. So I accepted it.
" Chad, dear, go off to your room and play."
Chad immediately run, covering his face, and jumped in chad 2. On*
"Come here dear, we'll play a game."
"But Chad, I already proved that all of the races had a way to defeat infantry-"
"Now now dear, sit down. You really haven't yet. Their is one race that has no way to stop the infantry spam."
I looked down on the playing board and saw some machine troops. I knew what this was about. It was time for an m v m battle.
I moved my guardian to take the center. Hordes of infantry were surronding me. I suddenly realized it.

Machine has no way to defeat the horde.

My garudian attempted to turn back, but he was immediately destoryed by a horde. The only way to fight to the infantry was with more infantry

I summoned thousands of patrol bots, and we had a war iof epic proportions. The whole match eventually devolved into patrol bots with zoc bots behind them. If you tried to make any other unit, it would get destroyed by the back up infantry.
I tried to use a guardian, but the patrol bot dodged it and hid in the mountains. Then, my guardian was destroyed by death bots.
I looked up at chadma. She was right.
"Don't you see? The units, they have to be the same... Just like us.." And I suddenly saw her and all of the Chad's merge into a perosn who looked exactly like me. "I am you.". " IMPOSSIBLE! ".

I realized, it was me. I had peed in my own salad, I jumped on my self, I beat myself. All along.
Jeez, I eat my own pee.
I would of called Chad something awesome like " Rodney ". If I knew the story was going to end like this.

Anyways, I realized their was a way to defeat myself. I used the eyeball. It was hard, but it was worth it. I slowly shoot all of chadmas zoc bots to death with my awesome lasers.
" NOOO!". I shouted, while bipolarly saying "OHH YEAA"
The game soon ended after the eye ball killed all of the zoc bots. I soon brought in guardian, which ended the game by killing all of the patrol bots with 12 attack.

The lesson: the eye bot needs to be cheaper.

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  amidama wrote:I already made them very cheap and with 1 action per turn =) check previous page.
I should update the first page info too, i guess

Yes, yes you should. I've been looking at the 2nd page all this time for unit info. As for the eyeball, I like the 2 attacks. With low attack, it could stand to cost maybe 600-700 as long as it's attack were low powered(and they are)

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  amidama wrote:i did thought about how it will fight, and this race as for me was extremely vulnerably to underlings. so i made it 1 action but cheaper, so if underling will catch it, the loss will be smaller..
I cant see any way to counter underlings. they are perfect at triggeting the frontier (suicide bots) and killing the artilery (gaze or lazer bot)

Idk, I think Chad didn't use one because of the patrol bots. Besides, Titans dont have a better solution, and their fine. So... Don't worry to much about it.


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When helis get countered, you can expect marines to be spammed more often (because maruader can't move after attack, so they can't dodge a suicide explosion). Also, underling could be a problem, idk why anyone would want to use then with swarmers around, but whatever.

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I think helicopters are going to win in a fight with these guys. I'm just saying, they easily kill off all of the infantry, they quite easily kill patrol bots and missiles, and guardians aren't very well adapted to surviving a helicopter battle alone. Especially if saps uses tanks, which will utterly destroy guardians

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As for underling spam, I only think that will happen on foresty maps. Beyond that, swarmers seem to be the best option. On maps where forests give patrol bots an obvious advantage, I could see what your saying happening.

Reasons why:
There's no reason the bury when you can instantly kill infantry faster when you run at them.
There's no reason to make underling if they'll be dominated by patrol bots, which will be made anyways to counter swarmers and garuda.
There isn't any good reason not to use the swarmers range to kill the zoc bots (especially considering that 7 air is only +1 more than 6 g.l).
The occasional gardenry most maps have isnt going to justify anything more than a few underlings at best

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