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Messages posted by: Sphink
Forum Index Profile for Sphink »» Messages posted by Sphink
Bug Reports » Can't assimilate!! » Go to message
Yes, I believe it is part of the balancing of the game. You can assimilate an underling "sitting" on yours or your opponets base but not if it is in the process of capturing a base. That's all I know for a fact. Not real sure of the technical reasons why but it makes since to me that a unit capturing a base can't be transformed. Maybe someone else can help more with the technical reasons as to why.
Technical Support Questions » Bots not making their moves? » Go to message
If you would like some friendly (unrated) team games, send my clan account (GGU-Sphink) an invite with your team mate and I'll set up a few games so you can learn vs. Some real players. I know this dosnt help the bot issue but I think it's a better solution alltogether.
New Feature Request » Clans! » Go to message
Yes! Clans would be great! They would also make Team games more fun because it would be clan vs. Clan. You could have rivalries with other clans and maybe some allies. I think it would help the community because you would make alot more friends, and people would be more active in chat (which needs to be heavily improved). It seems like the same old people are always in chat so it is hard to make new friends.

Ps. If you are a fairly good player and would like some reliable people to play some team games with, send me an invite to my clan account (GGU-Sphink) with the title "clan" or something... Every one in GGU is reliable in team games so you don't have to worry about your team mate. My friends list is the roster for the clan so if they aren't there, they are imposters... Or I havnt got the memo from kurupt yet
General Discussion » Badges? » Go to message
From the uniwar main menu go to help> advanced rules> read "veterancy"
General Discussion » The Universe- A Guide to Uniwar (the basics) » Go to message
This guide is deffinatly not what I started out to create. But after talking with some people i was trying to help, it was said it needed to be simple and easy to understand. So I revised the format of the guide and decided to quote the help menu and talk about how to apply them. I wanted to stress that the little things do matter. I didn't want to go in depth about specific strategys and confuse people who don't have the basics to begin with.

I am thinking about doin a more in depth guide, or maybe race specific guides where I would give an overview of the race and highlight their strengths and weaknesses, in general and verse each of the 3 races. And specific strategys to go with each. I think that would keep the guides shorter and somone could read about their favorite or most hated.

I enjoyed your comments and keep em up! Mention some more things I forgot to mention (ninja underlings) or just ideas for the future guides. Anything you want to say I'd like to hear. Thanks for the support!
Ps. Thanks for the stars nicko!
General Discussion » The Universe- A Guide to Uniwar (the basics) » Go to message
After a long wait, and many deadlines past I present to you "The Universe- A Guide to Uniwar". now i must admit that most of which that follows is copied directly from the HELP menus within this game! (you didnt bother to read it did you?) i will add what i have to say after each subject, to either highlight points or share information i think is usefull. everything i have to say will be designated by starting and ending with two stars. **like this.** i may skip over some self explanitory information. enough babble lets get right to it.

there are three races in uniwar: khraleans, sapieans and titans. each race has eight units that very in type and abilities. there are strengths and weaknesses with each race that play a role in the game. learn each race and its units by understanding their atttibutes.
** "know your enemy and know yourself, and in 100 battles your will never be in peril" -Sun Tzu. play as every race. ofcorse everyone has their favorite. and if you are facing a tough opponet, play as the race you are most comfortable with. BUT... the best way to know what your opponet is thinking, is to know what YOU would be thinking in the same situation, and you cant know what you would be thinking if you dont play as that race. while its your opponets turn you should look at your units and see what is out of place, and what you would do or build if you were your opponet. ideally you should do think about this before you move your first unit! take a break and instead of playing as the sapians for the 50th time in a row, choose a race that you think might work on a certian map with a certian race. maybe even a certian strategy that you have played against and lost. you may learn why it worked and/or how to defeat it.****

unit types
there are four unit types: ground light, ground heavy, areial and aquatic. their arrributes include the cost, mobility, attack range, attack strenght against each unit type, defence strenght and vision. some units have special abilities such as using an emp, teleporting or burying underground. other units also have abilites such as being able to capture a base, being able to attack after a move, and being able to occupy certian terrain. you can view the attributes of the units in the info screen or while creating units.
**this is very important. when building units, keep in mind which "types" of units they are strong and weak against. also, know the strenghts and weaknesses of your opponets units, and build units that "counter" those units. to cause the most damage and receave the least, you must know what type of units your unit is strong or weak against. there are only four types so its not that complicated. refer to the info screen if you cant remember.**

each unit requires credits to create. some units cost more then others. the transformed unit cannot be created at a base. they must be transformed by the engineer, infector or assimilator.
**add the credits per turn to what you have saved up and see what you can build the next turn, or even two or three turns ahead. will you have any credits left over after you build that unit? if you do you can spend them now to help defend your base before you can push that high value unit out. plan ahead. although a little more math is involved you can also learn how much your opponet has saved up, which could be critical if you see him go a turn without building a unit.**

attack range
this is the distance the unit can attack. an enemy unit must be within this range in order for you to attack it. some units have a farther or wider range. the attacking unit will take no damage if it is outside the attack range of the defending unit.
**there is also an attack minimum. use both of them to your advantage when you can, but keep in mind if you are attacking a unit that has an equal attack range as yours (over 1). there is no reason not to attack it from close range.**

this is the distance the unit can travel across the terrain. each terrain has a mobility cost for the unit to move to that location. higher mobility increases the units ability to move across multipal terrains based on the sum of those terrains to cross.
**more simple math is used to see how far your OPPONET can move on his turn, or how far you can on your NEXT turn. check info screen to see how much MBL it takes a certain unit type to cross a certain terrain type. very usefull if your opponet has a unit that is strong against one of yours. see how far your opponet can move, then move yours out of range. also if your opponet can sit on or capture one of your bases. there is no need to build a unit on that base if you are not in jepordy of losing that base. plus you will save credits to build a better unit.**

zone of control
each unit has controle of the sruuounding terrain. this prevents units from moving around enemy units in one move. units can move 1 tile around enemy units unless they have enough mobility to go around the units zone of control.
**this is used mostly for defending, for example using a lower cost unit to "block" a enemy unit from damaging your higher cost unit (make sure they cant kill the lower cost unit). or keeping a unit from reaching certian terrain/bases. keep in mind that teleported or disabled units do not have a zone of control while in "cooldown", however units cannot "jump over" disabled units, they have to move around them.. therefore if you surround a unit with teleported units they cannot escape unless they kill a unit that is surrounding it.**

attack strength
this is the strenght the unit has against each of the four unit types. the unit will deal more damage when its attack strength is higher then the defending units defence strength. having no attack strength means the unit cannot attack that type.
**this determines the amout of damage you will deal to enemy unit type. also the damage you deal when you are attacked.**

defence strength
this is the strength the unit has to defend against enemy attacks. the unit will receave less damage when its defence is higher than the attacking units attack strength. when the defence is very high, weak attacks will deal no damage.
**also keep in mind this is for when you attack and get attacked.**

gang up bonus
attack the enemy twice or more durring the same turn to gain a attack bonus. this gang up bonus varies depending on the location of the first attacking unit and the following attacking units. to gain a +1 bouns, have an attack next to the first attacker or have one of your attackers fight long range. for a +2 bonus, have the second attacker further around the enemy unit. to gain a +3 bonus, have the attacker behind the enemy unit on the opposite side of the first attacker.
**for further information see "attack order" **

capture bases
certain units are able to capture bases and harbors. while captreing, the unit will have a lower defence, but can counter-attack if the attacker is within range. it takes one round to capture a baseor harbor and the unit is lost after the capture.

attack after move
most units are able to attack the enemy after moving, which counts as one action. some units are restricted to moving or attacking in one turn.

this is the amount of health the unit can recover with the repair action. this number is multiplied if the unit is on a medical terrain or is next to the supportunits of the race
**the key is to know when to heal your units, when to retreat your units, and when to attack or move your low health units. this is entirely situational and is a judgement call on the player. other factors would be the importance of the unit, and how much health it actually has. if you can get by without the extra attack from that unit on that turn, its probably best to heal it. but even that is a genralization and should not be followed EVERY time. like i said, its a judgement call.**

this is the number of actions the unit can take per turn. once the unit performes its available actions i cannot be used until the next turn.

this is the distance the unit can see through the fog of war when it is enabled. fog of war hides the enemys army. units with higher vision can see more of their surrounding area.
**more math will tell you how far you can see with a certian unit on a certian tile, but a key aspect is to know how far your OPPONET can see. use the fog of war to your advantage and shroud your movements behind the fog of war. your opponet cant prepare for what he cant see, but neither can you. scouting is a crutial part of the game. and each race has a unit that is good for scouting. the titans have the speeder and the mecha (teleport). the khraleans have the garauda and underling (bury). the sapians have the best in my opinion, the marauder. you can move tword the enemy base and possibly attack a unit, take a look at your opponets units. then retreat back to the front line.**

special ability
some units have special abilities that can be used during the game.

move after attack- this gives the unit the ability to move a short distance after attacking. combined with the ability to attack after moving, the unit is able to move towards the enemy, attack it and move again, all in one action. during a move after an attack the units mobility is reduced
**think before you attack a unit with a unit that has this ability. if you have multiple choices of tiles to attack an enemy from, choose the one that will allow your unit to go to the best position. if the gang up bonus is a better option, attack from the tile that will give your the best bonus. keep in mind you may have to settle for a bad position.**

bury- the ability to bury and move underground. buried units have reduced mobility, but are not affected by zone of control units have on the surface. these units also have short vision while underground, allowing you to see through the fog of war. buried units can move through terrain occupied by other units on the surface except for bases and harbors. buried units will lose 1 point of health if a ground heavy unit moves on top of them. enemy units on the surface cannot see or directly attack the buried units, but can detect a buried unit adjecent to them. if enemy units are buried next to your units a number (below your unit) will display. a buried units health will be displayed on the opposite side. buried units cannot see enemy buried units and cannot move to a location that has a buried unit.
**also a very good way to scout. keep some around your opponets base to see what hes doing, and possably take out a unit before it can become a threat.**

resruface- buried units can resurface if no other unit is occupying the terrain. these units can resurface and attack the enemy in the same turn. this sneek attack adds a +3 bonus to your strength.

teleport- this gives the unit the ability to move anywhere that is not covered by the fog of war. it cannot teleport to bases or harbors. after teleporting the unit will be in a cooldown period and cannot move. the unit cannot counter-attack during this time as well. the teleport ability must also recharge before it can be used again.
**i will sometimes sacrifice a mecha just to see what my opponet is doing. on big maps like starvation, your opponet will most likly build units at the front line. this leaves the fog of war around his bases in the back. gain sight where your opponet cannot see and teleport units into HIS fog of war. then create a diversion and draw his attention away from the units you just teleported in. i mostly use this to get units across the map or retreat them to heal. but i will also use it to block a certain tile from the enemy. teleport is the hardest ability to use properly, but when used correctly can be the strongest.**

special force
the engineer, the infector and the assimilator each have a special force that affects other units within range. the engineer can detonate an emp that will disable all nearby titans untill your next turn. the infector can unleash a plague on nearby sapians, except for the engineer, and the poison reduces their health at the start of every turn. a plagued unit can also poison other sapian units that are next to it. the assimilator can detonate a uv bomb that damages all sapian and khraleans in range.
**keep in mind that these special forces will effect any units you have transformed. they will also effect your team mate if you are playing a team game!**

there are nine types of terrain: plain, base, forest, mountain, swamp, desert, water, harbor and medical. each terrain has a mobility cost (MBL) that is depentent on the unit type. some terrain cannot be occupied or crossed by certian types of units. units can gain or loose attack strength (ATK) and defense (DEF) while on certian terrain based on their type.
**i see this not taken advantage of alot. if you can attack from a tile that gives you a bonus, you should most likely do it unless it puts your unit in a bad position. if you find yourself thinking about attacking from a tile that effects your unit negitivly, maybe you should think of the option to reposition your army and regroup. you should take advantage of the terrain whenever possable. if your opponet put a unit on a bad tile, attack it and take advantage of the extra damage you will cause it and/or take less damage.**

each unit has a brief dectiption of its capabilities and weaknesses.

attack order
**when you decide to attack a unit with multiple units you need to develop an "attack order". first attack with the unit that will take the least damage, even if it dosnt deal much. then attack with ALL ranged units. ranged units can only gain a +1 attack bonus, and it also does not matter if you alternate sides, you will still only gain a +1 bonus. then follow the gang up bonus instructions to deal the most damage you can.**

unnesasary damage
**this can be so many differnt things. if you attack from a tile that effects your unit negitivly, getting attacked on a bad tile, not staying out of range of a certian unit when you could have. any time you take damage you didnt have to or could have avoided, you are taking damage that is not nesasary. you now have to waste an extra turn to heal that unit. thats a turn that could have caused damage to a key unit, or could have finnished off that low health unit they just retreated to heal. now you are being wastfull and not using your units to their potential. any time damage can be avoided or you can avoid taking extra damage, do it!**

saving units
**you should retreat and heal any low health unit you can! even the 100cr ones. never commit to a losing battle. EVER! any time you feel the advantage going to your opponets favor, you should call off the attack. retreat carefully, you may leave some strong units by themselves to get picked off. take your low health unitsto the back to heal and fight another day. bring up reinforcments and reengage the enemy. how many times do you find yourself building those 100cr units near the end of the game? alot probably! just think if you already had some at your base because you retreated and healed them. now you dont have to spend the credits AGAIN and build the same units. you can save the credits and build more suitable units. every unit saved counts!**

closing arguments
this game is all about getting the advantage. the game developers even said the game was like chess. i play chess sometimes and i know a thing or two about gaining an advantage. the small things matter. every +1 or -2 bonus counts! no matter how small an advantage, it is still an advantage. in chess (or anything else) you take any advantage you can no matter how small. every small little advantage you gain will eventually add up to a large one. every time you say "its only two points" or "i already have an advantage" you are not playing to your potential. even though i say this i myself do "bad moves" on porpouse to either help end the game faster or to try something new or simply because i can. its about making intelligent trade offs and learning why some thing didnt work. its about learning how you lost and not making the same misstakes twice. learn from your misstakes and the basics i outlined above should be a start to developing the skills you need to win more games. but above all else, its about having fun and making friends.

this is not quite the guide i invisioned when i started but i am fairly satisfyed with the way it has turned out. i will add to it or maybe make a sequal that goes more in depth into specfic strategys with/against certain races. there are plenty of grammatical errors and puntuation misstakes. i didnt capitlize the first letter of the sentences. i opoligze for that. this was done on wordpad so there is no spell check, auto correct or auto capitilization. i hope my grammer is not bad enough for you to not understand me or not know what word im saying. sorry for the incovience.

last i would like to thank everyone in clan GGU, Techn9ne1, Kurupt, TR Reed, Oasis, Nicko, Camwolf009, Nixflix, Spaceminer, anyone ive played with and everyone i forgot!
General Discussion » So what are those little numbers. » Go to message
Simple, the little number under a unit is the number if buried units around that unit. It does not include buried units directly underneath the unit. There is a thread in the "new feature request" portion of the forums about uniwar 2 sugjestions, maybe google it. I havnt heard anything "official" about it, Most of what I've heard is just hearsay.
General Discussion » Uniwar "guide" comming soon! » Go to message
Under construction! I have decided to change the structure of my guide once again. It WILL be posted within 4 days.
Thank you "IzzyNobre" I will be sure and do that!
General Discussion » New script stopping N00bs playing players with high XP » Go to message
Yeah i guess it just dosnt bother me. It's a good idea for sure to update alot of online user interface and selection controls, but I would like to see alot of other menu design and options improved first. Like I said though I guess this particular incovience dosnt bother me because I have just accepted it as part of the game. It should be fixed if they do decide to update the online aspects of the game, this should be addressed. This just isnt something that bothers me. Again only my opinion.
New Feature Request » Self Destruct Unit? » Go to message
I personaly do not like this idea. I use this to my advantage and leave units that are weak alone to block or on a base that is blocked with a heavy ground! Just as mentioned. I believe it is a strategy and should be used to your advantage... If you teleport a bunch of mechs surrounding a unit on a base and keep teleporting more mechs to replace the ones that die and when you wear it down enough to take it on your next turn... They just self destruct it and build another unit? There is a Titan strategy right down the drain... Ofcorse this is only my opinion.
General Discussion » Uniwar "guide" comming soon! » Go to message
The guide is pretty much complete, I just need to touch a few things up and get it organized a little better. There might be a few things I might add but for the most part it is done. All I need to to is type it up and submit it. I get one day a week off work so I will do it on Tuesday the 30th at the latest, but I will do it if I have the time sooner. I believe it will help alot of ppl because the more I play the more I see ppl make bad moves. Even the higher ranked ppl are making moves I don't see anything positive come from. So it could also be a "refresher corse" for advanced players to remind them not to do certian things unless you can gain the advantage. I'm rambling again to I guess I'll end this.
General Discussion » New script stopping N00bs playing players with high XP » Go to message
If you surrender on the first 3 moves it will not affect your win/loss or your score... So if you have a bunch of random games you don't want to play, just surrender... It might be a slight incovience but if you have random turned on you should expect that. Just skim through and pick and choose which ones you would like to play... I repeat if you "surrender" in the first 3 rounds it will not affect your win/losses or your score! Not shure what else to say... I think the "script" is fine personaly. (but everything I just said is my personal OPINION)
General Discussion » Uniwar "guide" comming soon! » Go to message
Nicko! Thanks for the comment. Funny thing is I am one of those people who never played the campaign! Anyone reading this having trouble with the game should play the campaign.. I know it's not as fun playing against real people, but there is a TON of usefull information there. Funny though, last night I was writing some notes for my guide and decided to play the campaign... I only went over the first four and they do go over some (maybe alot) of the concepts I am writing. So I thought I would do the whole campaign and write down what they say and start my guide by quoting all of it. Then go in depth. I would deffinatly like to hear anything you have to say about my guide. Because I'm shure I will leave something out or have some wrong information. Thanks for your support and feedback nicko! You have my respect.
General Discussion » Uniwar "guide" comming soon! » Go to message
Thank you for your reply newuser! That is a very good idea, and is exactly the kind of replys I am looking for. It seems fairly complicated though, and I don't know if I want to download a program and learn how to use it. I think it would signifacantly incerease my 2 week deadline. I will look into it though for future projects. Thank you again for your reply, it was very usefull. Please reply again if you can think of anything else!
General Discussion » Uniwar "guide" comming soon! » Go to message
Salutations Uniwarriors!
After getting back into Uniwar recently, and have to decided to help all the new/weak (no offence) players! I try to help everyone I play and give them tips on their play. I find that I am repeating myself alot, so I have to decided to write a "guide". I think it should take around 2 weeks to complete. It will cover all races and basic to advanced information. Nothing technical or mathmatical because i simply don't know that info, but if you guys are encouraging I might research it. You might be asking "what makes this guy think he's so good that he can tell people how to play?". Well the truth is... I'm not the best player or even close! I am rated in the 1800's so I must know the basics right? I'd like to think I can bring alot of lower levle players up into the 1600's and boost their confidence. Maybe some better players will write their own "guide". Or maybe they will help improve mine! I am looking foward to becoming a productive member of the Uniwar community. I would appreciate your positive feedback and CONSTRUCTIVE critisism. I am going to put alot of time and effort into this, and if you cannot respect that then please do not post! Being rude on the Internet (or in general) will accomplish nothing, and is not mature. I am going to start writing my thoughts and structure them so they are easy to understand and don't jump around on topic, which I tend to do when I free write (if you can't tell from this post lol). I guess I'll wrap this up. Thank you for reading and your time, I will be looking forward to your replys, sugjestions, encouragment, and ideas. Maybe a welcome to the community. sorry for the "book" I just wrote. Thank you again for reading and your time! Please post comments!
Forum Index Profile for Sphink »» Messages posted by Sphink
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