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Messages posted by: MasonC
Forum Index Profile for MasonC »» Messages posted by MasonC
New Feature Request » Joining games » Go to message
well something that I really think that uniwar needs is a map search were you type the name of the map in and it will show you all the maps for that sort of game.
General Discussion » New Balance Changes » Go to message
even if it happened 3 times in a row? When I kill a sapiens one of them in one go?
How to make the uniwar.com website better » Specialized weapons » Go to message
  lantry wrote:
as for turrets, i think engineers (not just sapiens, but the assist unit for each class) should be able to build a sort of fort, that wouldn't generate any cash, but would give a defensive bonus to units occupying this space. or, you would be able to build units from these forts. if an enemy moved onto the fort's hex, it would have a "destroy" command, that would work like the capture command for infantry, but any unit would be able to destroy an enemy's fort, it would just take up their turn.
other than that, i have nothing to say that hasn't been said already.

So you saying that they would be bases but you don't get any credits from them? I think that it would be a good thing to have in uniwar as long as the already set on the land I don't like the idea of them being made by units that could be a little over the top it could make a map like Peninsulas(team game) better because if they were in the center not bases then it would be less like the first team to get the center base wins because they would get no bones credits they would only be able to make units there or maybe some other map I don't no.
General Discussion » Can I play a map with more than 2 players ? » Go to message
You can pass the ipod around to play local just go into vs in uniwar
General Discussion » New Balance Changes » Go to message
why is it then that when I attack a assimilator with my buried underling when it has a health of ten it does 8 damage how does that work?
AND I find that a it seems to only kill the sapiens healer unit when they both have the same defense.
General Discussion » Top 300, woo! » Go to message
Well done!
keep up the good work.
General Discussion » Can I play a map with more than 2 players ? » Go to message
You need to play the right maps.
General Discussion » Ethics in a multiplayer game » Go to message
  Nicko wrote: asdf:
From all the posts you've made here it's clear we can make one conclusion: you're weak and you cover it up by being a coward.
I'd like to see how you react if every FFA you see players gang up on you, but then again it won't happen since even on 1 on 1 you're being a pansy. Come on, just play against one race as the same race on the same map over and over and over??? Where's the fun?
I'm saying this just for others not to listen to asdf if you're against cowardliness, he's a master of it.
Well all I have to say regarding the topic is not much since I don't play a lot of FFA, but that's for a reason: I hate them. People always end up ganging on someone and theres no fun.
Unrated with friends sure, rated now way

That is a 5 point post if you ask me (can't say asdf had much to say to that)
General Discussion » How I (allout) cheated. » Go to message
I don't see how it was fun to cheat just to see that little number rise.
Khraleans » Khraleans. Youre favorite khralena unit and why » Go to message
What how cruel to force me to pick one unit alone out of such great forces.
Khraleans » General Khralean Tips (Submit Your Own!) » Go to message
This is how I deal with sapiens on dead monk (maybe not the best way but are well) is to make a underling early bury it and put it in the small patch of forest close to the center to hit any early marine that tries to pars or move it next to there base to hit them there and when doing this. buy swarmer's and garudas the swarmer are for hitting marines and weakening the helicopters slightly then hit the helis after they have been weakened by the swarmer's with garudas. Get a infecter when there is a good wall to stop it being attacked use it for healing changing marines and infecting and then send more units in to the battle and see how you go.
Khraleans » Khraleans. Youre favorite khralena unit and why » Go to message
For me my favorite unit would be a underling for its bury and speed my favorite combination would be swarmer's + garudas + infecter's for playing vs the sapiens and pinzers + underlines + wyms for playing vs the titans.
Khraleans » Harbors » Go to message
buried underlings can not go over bases.
What's New in the Latest Updates » New Race Balancing Proposal - Sept 2010 » Go to message
Well I guess that I may have been posting to fast I guess that I was thinking that it would put the balance a bit out of whack with the other 250 units I thought the swarmer would be to weak on some maps or to cheap on others so(sorry for being a idiot).
What's New in the Latest Updates » New Race Balancing Proposal - Sept 2010 » Go to message
I no but there are still some things that need changing.
Forum Index Profile for MasonC »» Messages posted by MasonC
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