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Messages posted by: TheDragon
Forum Index Profile for TheDragon »» Messages posted by TheDragon
General Discussion » Changing attack damage without gang-up bonus, same unit » Go to message
actually the damage string does not change, using units of different health does use different amounts of the string. a 10 health unit attacking a 10 health unit would use 4 times the number or random numbers than a 5 health on a 5 health unit. So if you did the second first then 25% of the former string was used for the first attack and have a new set (former 75% plus the next 25% of numbers to calculate damage

Hope that helps

consider each number a Dice roll. I think each health point gets 6 dice roll so in the above example the first attack would be 120 dice but shifting the smaller one first would use up the first 30 dice and the bigger attack would use the next 30 dice in line
Frequently Asked Questions » UniWar Assets: Image, Icons, Units, Terrains, Tiles, ... » Go to message
Any chance there will be larger/cleaner images for uni promotional type items?
General Discussion » Skip a turn » Go to message
Gemo, Try communicating with those you play with. Many players will give time if you let them know you may have things coming up. I find most folks are o.k. waiting a bit longer when I post something like "I'll be vending at Arisia Sci Fi con this weekend so may be late making my move"

Yes you will get the few 'win at all costs' types that will take any shortcut for a rating status, but most of us just want to know you will be back.
General Discussion » Anti Uniwar stories? » Go to message
(double post)
General Discussion » Anti Uniwar stories? » Go to message
My gal would like to give me grief, but then I state the obvious (her games take far more of her time) never mind the grandkids have a serious xbox/tablet/ hell anything electronic addiction and then it's quiet for me for a few more days.

As I posted on the other thread, could be a worse addiction.

I also found uniwars through a local gaming group (sadly many no longer play regularly) They also have similar issues
General Discussion » Board Game: Professional Version » Go to message
  mistercreepy wrote:The Uniwar logo looks pretty good on a newborn onesie... My boys both sported it. Can't believe my anti Uniwar wife bought it for them!

She's probably looking at the bright side. She could be a world of warcrack widow :o
General Discussion » Board Game: Professional Version » Go to message
Best I could find. I want to make a Uni T shirt. But will need to do extensive cleanup of expanded artwork (those don't look good at all blown up to a printable 10-12" across I've no idea if any cleaner/larger images can be found.
General Discussion » Board Game: Professional Version » Go to message
Guides & Tips » Gangup bonus » Go to message
I believe the app store app is out of date with the changes made a few months ago. Willingham's calculator is up to date
What's New in the Latest Updates » 1.9.42 Available on all AppStores » Go to message
  volf wrote:I think I have a minor but annoying bug. The colors in team games have been shifted. Current tournament on sherrif's desert has white as player 6 in one game and player 5 in another. This can play a role when trying to determine where opponents races are in fow. I go to map see where colors are then look at opponents races and colors and can now determine if the K player is North or South just as an example.

will start to get crazy with choose your or opponants colors. You will no longer be able to count on default team color schemes. You'll have to think.
General Discussion » Battle of Minas Tirith » Go to message
The north crossing is a typical mess. Those bloody dark elves and southron men have hindered my dark minions crossing. Adding insult the defenders have tossed up a sizeable defense including a bloody elven trebushe that My forward scouts have located.

To the south the armies of Isengaurd seem to have made a succesful crossing.
General Discussion » Battle of Minas Tirith » Go to message
Thanks apercent, that is an inspiring response. We shall strive our best to keep you guys entertained.
General Discussion » Board Game: Professional Version » Go to message
  cmbaptist wrote:Uhhh guys there already is a rl version of this game... it's called warhammer 40k. Same exact thing only not played with a board. I used to play as a kid, very similar.

W40k a very different game, I've played it. This is uniwar
General Discussion » Battle of Minas Tirith » Go to message
The sky darkens under ominus clouds. Horns and drums sound as the great armies of Sauron the all seeing are released for their assault on the great city of Man; Minas Tirith

A dark day bodes dark times for Man. I Dragonis order my legions across the river into the enemy. Our first goal is to secure the far bank and to establish a forward base of operations to lay seige to the great city.

There shall be blood and agony....
General Discussion » Battle of Minas Tirith » Go to message
So to show not all uniwar is serious I (and possibly others) shall cronnicle our great battle.

The map:

The Defenders:

The Assailants:

Forum Index Profile for TheDragon »» Messages posted by TheDragon
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