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playing on Montevideo now, my Titans vs. Khral. Not death by ants... only my second time playing it, but Montevideo is a naval map first, because once you have a naval unit or two on your side no base captures are really possible. He's got Levis with Garuda guarding them in front, which is pretty nice, Hydros seem pretty allergic to Garuda (on a cost effective basis anyway). Land-bound Titans seem hard to play here, we'll see if Eclipses can help or not. I probably messed up building a walker, not very defensible on the peninsula, but should be able to eliminate some swarmers or what not trying to get to it. Standoff is still developing though. Looks like he's played this hundreds of times so my money would be on him.
congrats on the continuing rise Solitary. Per the other thread I want to find the lookup-player-by-name option so I can watch your ascent. (Though, seems like declining ranked play might lose some moral high ground in accusing others of doing that?)
I just got a toe over 1900, still pretty noobish and haven't had time to have more than 1 or 2 games running at a time. After I get done with this latest work trip and through launch I think I'm due to take the time to set something up with some better players, get some better learnin' in and hopefully have my score knocked back down to size. I might invite some of y'all (given that finding good players based on score is dicey), hope you'll accept.
yeah I'm sure you could do this before and the other day I couldn't find it either on the web site or in the game. Someone remind where this is or let us know why it went away?
got em. cheers.
can't figure out how to download or look at them from that page. could be a Mac/Safari issue... (or user error...)
Solitary – indeed, I'm the one that just posted in the other thread that I tested the pop-up bonus and confirmed it is +6. I'm saying the pop-up bonus could be +100 and units won't do more damage than they have hit points themselves. Roughly, units get a number of 'rolls' to do damage equivalent to their hit points (multiplied then divided by six to reduce the variance, presumably.) It's the chance of a hit that is modified by terrain/gangup/popup etc., in this case it is a 100% chance for our happily popping ant to hit our woefully undefensive and hapless assimilator on each roll. Happy to try to explain it another way if that doesn't work. You can read the formula here:
but only 2 player, and with limited maps (no >2 player maps, and not even all the 2 player maps), right?
well I'm no top 300 prodigy , so I'll humbly accept the correction. The damage formula sort of says it can't happen though. If you want to post a before and after screen shot of a 9-point ant next to the ashes of a 10 point assimilator that might be more empirically convincing.
I say nay good captain, a unit at X health can do at most X damage to anything, so a 9 point ant can't kill a 10 point assimilator, any more than a vat-grown 9 point Pinzer on metaamphetamines can.
Really I don't think I've played enough at the level necessary to feel confident in a khral/titan tweak. I've won some tough matches where I built walker fort and there was a furious underling siege, with pinzers and swarmers trying to open up holes, and survived, and had some other short matches with strong khral players who pulled me apart pretty easily (it's the losing plasmas to ants that really gets you). upping stomp damage to 2 might be right, but I'd defer to players who have played longer.
Actually when I first played the game and read the rules I assumed buried ants would be immobile, sitting in a trap in the ground waiting for enemy units. Which seemed like a niche thing that could be nice in specific situations. Played quite a few games before realizing the little nasties could *move* down there...
would be great to be able to set up multi-player games locally (e.g. passing iPad around the couch). would also be great to be able to use all of the maps for local games and include bots (at various difficulty/credit-generating levels) as desired. wonder if the new update will add any of that?
main difference between 9 point ant and 10 point ant is that the former can't 1-hit a healthy assimilator as part of a chain attack. so I tend to do the tap dance for that reason. My thought was a random damage between 1 and 2 to make a smaller balance adjustment.
thanks Kralux. Just saw this, I actually went and experimented to confirm and yes, if you first hit on one side, then on the opposite, the gang-up bonus is immediately +3 (you do not need any intermediate hits). If you then hit from the hex right next to the second hit, the bonus appears to be +1 (rather than +2 relative to the first hit). In other words, the gang-up bonus appears to be calculated relative to the immediately previous hit.
Also, per discussion on another thread, I confirmed that underlings are +6 resurface bonus not +3. Which means at 6+6 against ground light they are in the top tier with helis, pinzers, batteries and hydronauts (all 12 before terrain or gang-up bonuses), meaning for example they get guaranteed 1-hit kill of healer units on bases (as well as plains/desert/swamp, where most other heavy units (plasma/tank/walker/eclipse/ma rauder/speeder) at 10 vs. g. light can also 1-hit healers.)
see this thread