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Messages posted by: Duaneski
Forum Index Profile for Duaneski »» Messages posted by Duaneski
New Feature Request » Uni Factions » Go to message

5 factions total:





War Cult


The Faction setup provides the basis for 6 months worth of ingame competition. Factions compete to earn Victory points. Additionally, the factions compete to achieve Goals, which provides a boost of Victory Points (VP). Some particularly challenging goals unlock special flags or backgrounds for all players in that faction when the goal is achieved.

Faction games:
These are a special type of 'ranked' game. 24 hour timer remains, however they last only for 30 days from creation. Players in a faction must have one faction ranked game at all times. Players can create additional faction ranked games, up to a max of 3 at a time. Players will not get matched against their own faction. Players do not gain or lose score from these games.

Faction abilities:
The factions each vote on one out of three special abilities at the start of the 6 month period.


Supporters of the Titan war effort. These players pledge to have one ranked faction 1v1 game as Titans at all time (automatically generated by server). Ranked faction 1v1 wins against khral or saps provide the Titans with:
(Opponent score/100) = VP earned

So a 1500 opponent player would give 15 VP with a ranked win.
2500 would give 25

Special abilities: (faction votes for just ONE)
1. Mecha does not disable when teleporting.
2. Eclipse range becomes 2-4
3. Mantisse gains 2 defense.


Saps / khral function same as titans, with their respective race.

Sap abilities:
1. Marine gains 3 mobility
2. Engineer EMP range is doubled
3. Experience gains are doubled

Khral abilities
1. Underlings Cost 75 credits
2. Pinzer gains the Bury ability
3. Infector costs 150


Passivists seek for all of the races to live in harmony, while recognizing that this can only be achieved if they can gain power in the uniwarverse. Passivists have one ranked 1v1 faction game going at all times. Random race.

Passivists gain additional VP for defeating the War Cult:
(Opponent score/50)= VP earned

Passivists lose VP for losses:
-(Opponent score/150) = VP earned

Passivists gain VP for defeating the Titan / khral / sap faction:
(Opponent score/200) = VP earned

Passivists abilities:
1. At the start of their turn in round 15, the passivist player receives an additional 33% of their income for that turn.
2. Gain an extra 10% VP for each victory.
3. Marine, underling, mecha all cost 90 credits.


War Cult
Seeing the beauty in war, this faction seeks to protect and profit from a prolonged and bloody conflict. Cultists have one 1v1 faction game going at all times. Random race.

(Opponent score/200) = VP earned

War Cult Specials abilities: (meant to be kinda OP - balanced by their lower VP gain rate)
1. Reduce speeder, marauder, and swarmer cost to 225.
2. Increase range of wyrm to 1-4, battery to 2-5, and walker to 3-6
3. Assimilator costs 100. Garuda costs 300. Destroyer costs 600.


Initiative - for each faction calculate Time Used per Faction Ranked ROUNDS played:
total time taken in minutes / ROUNDS played

Taking turns the fastest yields:
1st place: +20% VP bonus
2nd place: +10% VP
3rd: +5% VP

- The winning faction gains chat nameplates of their chosen color (faction votes on what color they would want.) for 1 month.
- Winning faction members gain a special flag.
- Section of profile similar to tourney tracks players performance.
- MVPs from each faction gain a special flag, and a special background on their player profile screen. Additionally, gain a medal like from tourneys. Each faction has four MVPs - the top 3 VP gainers, and the fourth is voted on by the faction.
- Helps to write the story of uniwar. Does one faction start to pull ahead? Additional factions could be added later, perhaps as other factions are destroyed...
General Discussion » CTF map making challenge » Go to message
  wookieontheweb wrote:Have you given up on this? If not would you post a screen grab of each of the entries.

I haven't given up!
New Feature Request » New Unit idea - Colossal Units *poll*! » Go to message
  The Impaler wrote:Its a cool idea but honestly the stats are scaled to 12 being the highest value. anything above that and you get lots of insta kills and 0 damage retaliations. Essentially i think these will only ever be damaged by units with armor penetration... also GL attack of 20 is kinda crazy. max GL defense possible is reprogrammed mecha on mountian = 12 defense, still allost a 1 hit kill haha.

I like the idea in theory but you need to follow a balance curve, and these units are completely off the current curve, we need to extrapolate past our understanding.

Ahhhhh interesting.

I did not / do not understand the stat scaling to 12. That does make sense.

I think There are ways to impact the way these units would behave without making their stats too crazy, anyway.

Either - higher base HP (thinking 12-15). Or specific rules like 'can only take 1 HP of damage per hit from enemy non colossal units' or something.

Guess there are options.

In one of my later posts I acknowledge I have no idea if stats are balaknced and state: units are designed to give a picture of what their roles would be.

At any rate. Thank you for the feedback.

Bigger question though - do you think these would impact gameplay meaningfully And positively?
New Feature Request » New Unit idea - Colossal Units *poll*! » Go to message
New Feature Request » New race - Undead v2 » Go to message
Next update: cost of reweave is equal to (cost of targeted unit x 0.75). Cooldown is reduced to 4 rounds. Also, now heals targeted unit 1 HP.

This should make this ability more situational, and make it less of an auto include with a zombie pinzer
New Feature Request » New race - Undead v2 » Go to message
Undead Race v2

Main mechanic: units can be spawned from any location next to a Necromancer that is a valid location (I.e. GH can't be on mountains, only aquatic on water tiles, and can't have two units on one tile, etc. )

Which is a serious perk, of course.

Unique race ability:
1. Decay
Decay is similar to plague, but decreases affected units DEFENSE by 1 each turn, and can not be healed by any means. (Not all units are susceptible to decay). Decay does NOT spread to adjacent units like a plague.
2. Refurbished: any time the Undead kill an enemy unit during their turn, the Undead player gets 10% of the cost of that unit in credits.
3. Blood magic and Diminishing returns: the Undead player does not receive credits for owning bases or occupying cities. at the start of the game, the Undead player gets the same number of credits per turn as the average of each other player. The amount the Undead player receives per turn will diminish based upon a formula or something .. something like(total bases x credits per base / [total number of tiles / total number of players]) ... this isn't it. But something where the more credits on a bigger map, the longer it'll take to decay. But im intending them to lose roughly 10%/turn at round 15, 30, and 45. To give a sense of urgency and to balance out the refurbish ability I guess

Some of the UNDEAD Units' attacks will put decay onto enemy troops.

Overall Vision scores and mobility scores are appalling for this race. 1-2 are most common vision score. Getting to the point where you can build units by your enemies base will take time.

Thematically I am going with reanimated forms of Uniwar troops for the most part. Since those units would be recently dead, it makes sense they would be the ones resurrected. Mostly saps and khra since I'm not sure that Titans are even "alive" :p but maybe some of their tech will be used...

Decayed underling GL
Cost 50
Can NOT capture bases
Mobility 7
Vision 1
GL 4
GH 2
Air 0
Aq 2
Amph 3
Range 1
Def 5
Repair rate 0

Decay - this unit loses one DEFENSE per turn, starting at the end of your next turn.

Returned - any time an undead player kills an underling during their turn, it is immediately replaced with a decayed underling under that players control.

Zombirine (zombie marine, yeah)
Cost 100
Can capture bases
Mobility 8
Vision 2
GL 4
GH 2
Air 4
Aq 2
Amph 5
Range 1
Def 7
Repair rate 1


Returned - any time an undead player kills a marine during their turn, it is immediately replaced with a zombirine under that players control.

Support / GL
Cost 125
Can capture bases
Mobility 7
Vision 2
GL 2
GH 1
Air 1
Aq 2
Amph 3
Range 1-2
Def 4
Repair rate 2

*can build any undead units in adjacent hexes

Flesh weaver
Support / GL
Cost 200
Can capture bases
Mobility 7
Vision 3
GL 0
GH 0
Air 0
Aq 0
Amph 0
Range n/a
Def 2
Repair rate 2

Skill: reweave: cost 100: reset an adjacent units defense to its initial value. (Decay remains on the unit.) cooldown: 7 rounds.

Double repair rate of adjacent units.

Skill: decay: adjacent unit gains the status effect decay. (Cooldown: 5 rounds)

Fuzetisse (yeah like a mantisse with fuze fans and miniguns)
Cost 325
Can NOT capture bases
Mobility 7
Vision 1
GL 4
GH 2
Air 1
Aq 3
Amph 5
Range 0-2
Def 5
Repair rate 1
Actions / turn: 3

AP GL 20%
AP aerial: 30%
AP aquatic 30%

BopperFly (like a boarfly with a bopper sticking out of its mouth)
Air / Blaster
Cost 350
Mobility 4
Vision 0
GL 1
GH 5
Air 2
Aq 2
Amph 3
Range 3
Def 4
Repair rate 1
Actions / turn: 2
AAM: no
MAA: yes (mobility 6)

AP GH 30%
AP aquatic 30%
AP aerial 40%

Spectral Marauder
Cost 250
Mobility 9
Vision 2
GL 6
GH 3
Air 3
Aq 3
Range 1
Def 11
Repair rate 1
Actions / turn: 2

EMP: radius 1. Cooldown: 6 rounds

Vile Swarmer
Cost 200
Mobility 6
Vision 2
GL 6
GH 2
Air 2
Aq 3
Range 1-2
Def 3

Any unit that the vile swarmer attacks receives the Decay debuff.

Zombie Pinzer
Cost 400
Mobility 6
Vision 1
GL 7
GH 10
Air 2
Aq 8
Range 1
Def 20
Repair rate 2


Salvaged Artillery (can't think of a name. But basically walker/battery parts)
Cost 800
Mobility 0
Vision 4
GL 16
GH 12
Air 10
Aq 12
Amph 10
Range 2-5
Def 14
Repair rate 1
Attack after move: No

Return of the Kraken (if a kraken and leviathan had a baby)
Cost 500
Can capture bases
Mobility 7
Vision 2
GL 9
GH 8
Air 6
Aq 9
Submerged 6
Amph 9
Submerged penalty: -1
Range 0-2
Def 14
Repair rate 1

New Feature Request » changing for guardian » Go to message
Quite honestly I don’t have any issue with the balance of the guardian as is.

I think all races have adequate, cost efficient counters to it.

However, despite this, I do like your proposed changes. So I voted yes

As an aside:
I would actually really like to see “guardian does not take damage from other blaster units” added to it, however. I think it is countered crazy effectively by bopper or boarfly... and taking that out of the equation I think would really shift the games dynamics a lot :p ofc guardian would need an accompanying nerf. Maybe this ability in concert with your proposed changes and an increase in cost to 400.....

General Discussion » CTF map making challenge » Go to message
  wookieontheweb wrote:Talking of 2 weeks (TM), how's this going?

I bet I finish before you get a response!! Hahahah
New Feature Request » SpokyHouse development » Go to message
Thank you for your thoughtful idea!

Someone will be sure to reply in roughly 2 weeks TM
New Feature Request » Ability (feature) to swap unit's places » Go to message
As an ability it would be interesting
Sapiens » Can shutdown mecha complete a base capture? » Go to message
  StarryBlink wrote:It will succeed in capturing your base despite being under EMP. You need to kill it by whatever method.

To elaborate here -
I recommend killing it by blowing it up with lots of stuff.
General Discussion » CTF map making challenge » Go to message
I PMed all applicants asking for final submissions today.

Once I have all submissions , OR once Sunday arrives - whichever goes first, I’ll get started on my rankings.

I think once I’ve got them all in my inbox neatly I should be able to “grade” pretty rapidly.

Thank you all
New Feature Request » New mechanics new units » Go to message
Is the idea he can only move linearly?
New Feature Request » The best and only idea we need! » Go to message
I’m half inclined to post some outright pornography here, knowing it will likely go unseen except by the 3 forum goers.
New Feature Request » The best and only idea we need! » Go to message
Yep. Slam fucking dunk.
Forum Index Profile for Duaneski »» Messages posted by Duaneski
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